Trick/Combo w/ Every Throw

I’ve been realizing lately that I use maybe 3-4 of my throws routinely and the rest collect dust. I wanna change that! So I decided to try something out, a trick a day with every throw I own. I’ll make a vid every day and post it here, but I encourage others to do the same, I wanna see your guys’ collection and tricks!

Also I’m gonna let you all pick the throw each day, and we’ll cross that one off the next day as we go along. I don’t know maybe something fun and interactive to do? Here’s the first case. If anyone has a question about what a certain yoyo is or anything just ask away.

Yo-yos used so far: Imperial, Butterfly, Freehand NextGen, Duncan Grasshopper GTX, YoYofficer Aura.


Cool idea. I’m always looking for ways to vary what throw i grab.


I’m always looking for ways to do that and to get some social activity going on within here! Sometimes I feel like we all just talk and debate about the same stuff everyday, when we should all just be throwing and enjoying ourselves more. Life outside of this forum is hard enough, we need some more positivity and fun stuff going on


Lots of yoyo trick discussion here… and we love to accept tutorial recommendations so that we can work together as a group.
Check it out
Trick-a-Week on YYE


Love the TAW thread! I do have a recommendation for this upcoming week if it hasn’t been covered already, I’ll look through all the weeks again and see


Please pm me your recommendation I’ll work it into the rotation.

P.S.A… Trick-a-Week loves suggestions, please do not post a suggestion on the thread please pm one of the thread organizers or myself.


I have tried for years to throw all my throws at least once a week. The collection has become larger over the years so… I have been tying to throw a section of 12 throws each day, I may group them by style, shape or manufacturers.
I do not consider a trick learned for myself until, I can land said trick with all of my throws. When not limited by, the yo-yo engineering or my lack of skill, meaning I know the trick and the throw is capable. Very limited set of tricks for me.

I really enjoy the yo-yos and yo-yo people great topic. Gota go throw.

Have a great middle of the week


Here’s the collection:

Here’s a trick with the plastic Freehand One:

I like the idea of this. I get in phases where I only play one or two yoyos (lately it’s almost exclusively been the Magnolia and Freehand One). I have to be in a specific mood to want to play something else. I think that’s probably just because at the moment my entire collection could just be a Magnolia and FH1 and I’d be content, but I also don’t want to get rid of any of this other stuff because I either love how it feels/plays when I do pick it up, or I just love how it looks. Any excuse to get myself throwing older favorites in my permanent collection is good.


Heck ya! Love how they’re displayed that’s dope. I miss my FHZs a lot (random). Actually I miss a lot of throws I sold for college years ago lol, but you’d recommend a One over a Nextgen then? I have a NG and its okay, but to me it doesn’t have that FH feel or play. Thanks for kicking this off by the way! I will film and post my first one after work.


The Freehand One is nothing like a Nextgen. The Nextgen is just another nothing special plastic yoyo. The Freehand One is a fully perfected OG Freehand. I let a friend try one who said “I don’t know how to play responsive, I don’t know how to do loops or stalls or anything.” And I just responded to that with “Ignore that it’s a responsive yoyo, literally just play it like you’d play any other 1A yoyo” and they started busting out some great 1A combos on it. If somebody doesn’t own a responsive yoyo, or somebody is just getting into yoyo and wants a recommendation for their first yoyo, I would heavily push them to get a FH1.

It’s good. People will forget about the vast majority of modern yoyo releases with time, but people will still be playing/collecting Freehand Ones a decade from now. I fully believe that.


Welp that’s all I needed to know to get one lol


this is the truth. the Freehand is such a good yoyo for a beginner. its easy enough to get back to your hand on almost any strength throw for the most beginner of beginners, but the yoyo will continue to outskill even the best players. something about the response knows how to read your brain, because it ONLY responds when you want it to lol


Got a couple messages saying to start with THE original yoyo so here it is. I call it “Imperial Chopsticks” with a little “play it off like you didn’t just drop that” hand action.

One of my first yo-yos, I think lol. I call it the stress reliever because it’s personally like my own little stress ball if that makes sense. Some people squeeze a ball full of sand, I throw a yo-yo up and down


Cool idea. Maybe I’ll join with trying to do a trick video with all of my yoyos. I haven’t done a trick video in forever


Please do, it’s an excuse to post a daily trick video on the forums for me when I very rarely post tricks here. Plus it gets me throwing some older yoyos.

I wanna see some 5A (do whatever you want actually but seeing some 5A would be very cool.)


The two throws I have setup for 5a I’ll do it with! Spoiler alert though I’m just learning 5a pretty much and can only do basic stuff hahaha

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Please do! This is for everyone to join in on not just me. Would love to see your collection and some tricks with them. And as you can see I’m no pro or anything so don’t feel like you don’t have any good enough tricks or combos, rock the baby if you want to! No one’s judging here


I might start doing two for ones every day, idk I’m really liking this and I’m throwing everything I haven’t in a long time, I’m enjoying myself. Score 1 for Austin in the idea book!

Since I had these filmed already and it’s a good next throw after the imperial, here are a couple tricks with the Butterfly. Two different styles of play! Over the last week or so the butterfly has become a routine player in the rotation. I love learning stalls and finding different ones to get into


Very nice !!! Btw just out of curiosity what sort of setup and string do you use on your butterfly ?? I can never get my butterfly to spin that long and not snag on me :sweat_smile: maybe if I throw it real hard lol :laughing:

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Very hard throws and a “modded” butterfly haha. I use kitty believe it or not because the poly doesn’t stick to the starburst as much and I say it’s modded but really it’s just been widened in the gap with superglue. I can adjust it when I want without it always coming loose and open every throw!

Just a heads up if you wanna try that out though you do have to use some sort of superglue. Because as I’m sure you know those yo-yos are not made to be taken apart, you’re technically breaking it but gluing one side of the axle to the cap will do the trick. You gotta get the glue kinda perfect too so that you can adjust the gap on demand without it completely being stuck or too loose. If you ever wanna try it lemme know in a message I’ll be glad to help you out