12 Months 12 Throws Challenge 2025

This year I thought of a fun experiment to do this year. I really enjoyed ONE July last year and now that I have reduced my collection down to a single yoyo I thought it might be cool to try and do this challenge each month with a new yoyo and write about my experiences.

So for 2025 I will be throwing a different yoyo each month, trading away my current yoyo for a new one at the start of the month, recording my progress in this thread, and reviewing whatever Yoyo I traded for that month as well.

I’ll be starting off January with my trusty Panorama!

If you are interested in joining me in this endeavor let me know on this thread! Cheers!


If I hadn’t just started a collection rebuild I would have joined you. I think you’ll have a blast, and trading it each month and seeing what you get and how you like it will be really cool.


Excited to see where the journey takes you g!

12 months 144 throws sounds more doable for me.
New case every month :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


oh nos youre gonna let that sweet pano go!? its crying inside :crazy_face:


Wow, idk how many yo-yos you started with, but I find it interesting you’re willing to trade away the single yoyo you decided to keep! Looking forward to following this journey


A symbolic representation of the struggle between wanting to actually yo-yo and wanting new yo-yos


I could never do this but god bless you I will be following your journey lol


I’ll have to trade it for a fixie as well for February. Hopefully I can find a good trade lol


my thought exactly.

Maybe you @Afkor, should keep every yo, you throw and at the end of the year choose your new winner. Would be interesting, if your opinion changes or if the pano just keeps coming out on top.


This is a photo of my old collection many many years ago. When I came back to throwing I had sold most of them already and then I got rid of the rest recently. Now I can safely say I am more of a yoyo player than a yoyo collector.

If by the end of the year I really miss my pano, I know I can always visit the BST and find a really cool one for sale. I don’t really get attached to objects and I enjoy the mail day and unboxing ritual a lot more than building massive collections, so this challenge will be a good compromise I think.


Good perspective. :+1:

May I also suggest a rebranding to: 12M/12T or 12M/12Y ?

Edit: Quick and rough Logo :upside_down_face:


Oh man I didn’t think about making a logo… maybe I’ll mess around in photoshop later!


May I suggest a Little Planning;

Fixed Axle February
Modern Responsive March
5A May

Sounds like you will have One July covered.


Not even gonna mention 2April. Figures :wink:


February will be the toughest trade. Maybe you can score a really sweet wood yoyo for FAF.

Hardest part of the challenge will be letting all these yoyos go.

Best of luck! I throw atound 6 yoyos at least per yoyo session so no way I could do this I have no self control :laughing:.


I think a trade of a fixie for a pair of loopers will fit the spirit of the challenge. A 2a pair is kinda like matched set, right? Like a throw and counterweight for 5a in a way


I’d definitely be able to trade for two loopers, we will see how I feel after being forced to do fixed axel for a month cause I may not want to do responsive play for a while after that…

Oh god if I do fixie February, modern responsive march and 2april that’ll be three straight months without 1a my beloved idk about that one


Getting started a day late as I was sleeping all day on the first, but January will be all SOY! Looking forward to this challenge. At least one month I will be doing 3A so that will be two yoyos, but same model so I’m counting it.

edit: i realize that the original post has “trading away” the yoyo every month, I wont be trading anything just swapping out with other yoyos from my collection every month lol


I applaud you guys.

I’m gonna do some aspect of this. I’ll take one yoyo and trade it every month, and try and document it to see what it becomes.


Dang mad respect for hopping on the challenge Brandon! Ik you get lots of maildays so best of luck to you!