Get Ready for ONE July 2024!

Week 1: The SoM “No-Throw July” Chronicles

The Illusion of “Ease”

Let me start by saying that my goal for the month was to wait for a special prototype that will be coming in a little later in July, and hold out for as long as I could so that I could enjoy that immediately; until that point, I am going cold turkey. I thought “No-Throw July” would be a breeze. I mean, how hard could it be to avoid using a yoyo for a month (obvious sarcasm)? Day one and I was already questioning my life choices. My pockets feel eerily empty, like something is missing (because it is), and I knew it would only get worse from there.

The Walmart Temptation

Decided to brave Walmart. Needed some essentials, and what do I find? The Butterfly XTs practically leaping off the shelf and into my cart. It’s like they know I’m yoyo-less and vulnerable. I managed to resist, but it was a close call. The struggle is real, folks.

The Siren Call of My Yoyo Wall

My yoyos have become like the sirens from Greek mythology. I swear I can hear them whispering to me, tempting me to break my “No-Throw July” vow. “Come on,” they say. “One throw won’t hurt, come play with us.” It’s like Odysseus all over again, but with more string and less sea.

The Desk Stare-Down

My RBC yoyo sits on my desk, staring at me with those big, sad, puppy-dog eyes. It’s like it knows I’m trying to ignore it, and it’s not happy about it. Every time I sit down to work, it’s there, silently judging me. “Why have you forsaken me?” it seems to ask. Sorry, buddy, it’s not you, it’s the challenge. It’s not amused.

The Flying Lemon’s Disapproval

Then there’s my SW Flying Lemon. It sits on the shelf with its thicc curves and ample rims, trying to temp me over like a late night harlequin, looking down at me with disapproval. “You used to be cool,” it seems to say. “Now look at you, yoyo-less and sad.” Thanks, Flying Lemon. Your support is overwhelming.


I get a nice package in the mail….it’s my DIY (Desert Island YoYo) from DocPop for the 5A May Event….Oh no…… It looks awesome, it has that sweet white POM glow to it, looking like an angel that just hopped out of a box to save me. The Desert Island YoYo suddenly lives up to it’s name, taking on the visage of that wonderful volleyball we all know and love from Cast Away, complete with a deep red hub like the handprint. He seems to float away into the ocean as I slowly move him to the “waiting corner” and I’m suddenly feeling like Tom Hanks, losing my best friend.

Testing My Strength

This is going to test my strength more than I anticipated. I thought, maybe a small break could be a good thing while I wait, or so I told myself. Instead, it’s like trying to quit coffee cold turkey. I’m jittery, on edge, and everything feels off. But I’ve made my decision, and I’m determined to see this through. My special prototype yoyo is supposed to arrive later this month, and until then, it’s just me and my willpower.

Stay tuned for more thrilling tales of “No-Throw July.” Will I survive? Will my yoyos stage a coup and force me to throw? Only time will tell.