General Yoyo Thoughts

Genius idea

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I agree yoyo is in many ways comparable to martial arts. whatever tricks you throw on auto pilot are like a kata.


I just started practicing a bit with my eyes closed, I can do my front style combo all day no problem with my eyes closed, itā€™s kinda fun lol


Itā€™s great practice really. Really nails it in to the old muscle memory. Iā€™ve liked throwing in the dark. Itā€™s a little differentā€¦ you canā€™t open your eyes and see whatā€™s going on.


Iā€™ll have to try the dark next :+1:


Do recommend. I always have a yo-yo in my pocket. When I walk through a dark room I give a couple throws. Itā€™s a good time when you hit the whole combo.



Couldnā€™t decide which bar of chocolate I wanted until I saw this.


You should melt that down and make a Dairycote Top Deckā€¦:cricket::cricket::cricket:


I would love to see more players stall and bust out some Varials. Imagine a pro at a major competition mid-combo just hits everyone with a 720 Varial, or a triple Kickflip.


Those tricks donā€™t score in contests bc the Yoyo isnā€™t spinning so itā€™s very doubtful we would see them. It would be insanely cool though and some competitors will do tricks that donā€™t score for fun and because itā€™s cool so there is still hope. Shoutout to Alex Curfman switch from 3A to Doubles at US nats this year. Maybe itā€™s up to you to make it happen though hah!

Also Iā€™m assuming you mean in the 1A division.

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Iā€™m just dreaming haha. Too bad though. Would be cool to see. The scoring system is flawed. A trick is a trick. And a difficult trick or a flashy trick should definitely be worth a point or two, even if the yoyo isnā€™t spinning.


0a deserves to be a competitive class in yoyo contests.


I would love a fixie horse comp as a staple of every competition and not just an impromptu thing that happens usually at worlds.

I donā€™t really need 0a in x div or allowed in 1A or anything.

I think just an activity around the style would be nest but making it part of competition directly kind of goes against the whole idea of 0A as a style especially when 0A defined in a comp setting is considered non scoring beginner tricks

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Hereā€™s Ed Haponikā€™s routine from Scales a couple years ago.

Also Kyle Nations placed 9th in 1a doing 0a one time


These incredibly smooth flows are what is missing from most of the modern competitions iā€™ ve witnessed recently. Because the scoring is not designed to make that a major factor. So rad.

Those are awesome, but I guess part of what I was trying to say is that it would be cool if it was more common.


I kinda agree with both @Sleeper80 and @Captrogers . I would love to see an 0A competition/event, but I think it would be better to borrow from Kendama competitions. Their divisions like Speed Ladder, Open Division, Freestyle, and World Cup, and their scoring systems, would be better suited for 0A.

The problem is, Iā€™m not sure if there are enough people interested in 0A or enough 0A players to make that worth while.


Iā€™ve been saying this for a long time now. Not just for 0A. I think an open division broken up into different skill levels with set trick lists would be a super fun addition to contests

If it is not spinning; is it still a yo-yo? Or has it become a prop?