General Yoyo Thoughts

It’s still a yoyo. My Butterfly doesn’t spin most of the time when I’m doing tricks, and it’s definitely still a yoyo.



We have 2 Months dedicated to 0A!

Fixed Axel February and Modern Responsive March.

I will try to post the attendance numbers tomorrow. If I recall over 100 different users participated.

I actually think FAF had the highest participation.


Help a boomer out.

What’s a jawn?


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Jawn is a neutral, all-purpose noun used to reference any person, place, situation, or object . In casual conversation, it takes the place of the word thing


Ah, that explains it… :eye::tongue::eye:

It’s like stuff and things and whatnot—err—no?


Pretty sure that is “John” in Boston.


I am like months thinking to buy a Otter and a Wilder, but I dont have the courage to pull the trigger.
I have so many yoyos that I play, record with and don’t really need new ones but, those yoyos looks so good and fun, but it’s a lot of money that I have but can’t spend because is not justified and I can use for food shopping, rent and life stuff but those yoyos looks great.
I do deserve at least one? Maybe yes, I practice a lot but damn so many buts :weary::weary::weary::weary:



I cant even trade, I dont have a collection ahahahah I have only the yoyos the sponsor sent me but I don’t sell/trade them

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Otter has been around for a few years. It is an established design and there must be plenty in circulation by now even if it goes out of production. No rush to buy.

W1LD is pretty new in general and seems to be figuring out ways to release improved versions of already good designs on a regular basis. Worst case, you miss a few iterations on the way to the latest-greatest.


Not a Wilder but I know at least one of the guys in London has a couple Wilderness’ that he’d probably be happy to let you try at a meet fwiw. JxM has an Al Canopy (which I believe is similar to the Otter) as well so he might be willing to let you try it.

Maybe that’d help with making the decision one way or the other

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This is a very good advice, thanks mate, I also liked so much that blue purple in the Wilder, that yoyo looks so good.

This is a great idea, I see he is going to the road of collect everything lmao I should ask him, for sure I will like the Otter, the shape is something I like, it’s just I cannot justify myself 100 quid for a monometal

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Do you guys think tall people have an advantage in yo-yoing? I’m 6’4” and my brothers are always saying I have an advantage because I can have longer string. What do you think?


it’s all relative. you may be taller but that also means your hands are probably bigger and you have a larger body to work around and such so it balances out. no advantage. ask them if they want peanut butter with their jelly :crazy_face::rofl:

Actually I’m super skinny. 115 lbs. I’m only 15 so once I quit growing I can put on some weight.

im not saying heavier, just larger proportionally

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It depends on the types of tricks but I think for some of the more extreme zoning tricks and behind the back stuff (think Jakub Dolejs zoning or Marcus Koh/Christopher Chia behind the back zontals) it can be an advantage to be tall, skinny and flexible.

Being taller is also probably helpful with higher hooks, and having long fingers I can imagine being useful with tech.

All that said, this is still going to be generally of negligible importance compared to time/effort/creativity put into your practice. And Mir Kim isn’t exactly very tall after all but is still at the top of the competition world.

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Great insight! I was just wondering if being tall, skinny, and having super long fingers would be helpful. (Not to mention hypermobile; all this makes for an insecure freak. Lol)


I’m 6’4 as well and I always run out of string with stuff that goes around my upper arms.