General Yoyo Thoughts

I’m cleaning some bearings today and have had some time to do yo-yo science. Today’s discovery is that the BoltXP is also great with a half spec responsive setup.


So I mostly work from home but when I do go in the last few times I’ve brought a yo-yo with me. This morning I saw my boss with a Duncan Imperial on his desk, it’s happening guys I’m getting this whole office into it by the end of the year


Anyone else here pretty ambidextrous yet that one thing you cannot do with the other hand is yoyo? :rofl:


hitting brent stole 3x in a row on a stock Butterfly feels really damn good


I can’t do anything with the other hand. I can get my proyo II to sleep and a few hop the fences.

I’m sure it’s mental block. A half hour of play and breakaways feel so wrong. Can feel there is no flow in the left hand.


It’s hard it’s like learning to throw all over again! So for some example I write, box, yoyo, throw a baseball/softball, lefty. But I shoot pool, throw darts, a football, use utensils etc with my right hand. But for whatever reason yoyoing is not in the arsenal lol, it looks and feels so awkward


How are you doing slack tricks on a responsive yoyo anyway? In my book this isn’t possible :joy:


Yeah you need to learn it again. When you put in the effort you can learn to yoyo with your weak hand as well


Its all in the whip lol, somehow keep tension on the string so no slack can cause the response. I posted some quick trick vids of each in the post a trick thread


Oooh I understand now. I saw your trick clips and I was so confused. Very impressive technique.


Its been hard for me to put into words, but the whip feels rounder and more deliberate than when I learned on unresponsive. Also helps to have neutral to loose torsion for a little extra spin


I don’t feel like yoyoing lately


Taking breaks from hobbies is better than forcing yourself to do them when your interest is at an extreme low. I feel like that’s kinda what can lead to permanent burnout. Breaks are good as long as you remain open to the mindset that you can continue with it at any point in the future, when you feel like it again.

It’s always weird to me when people outright “quit” yoyoing. In my mind there’s no reason to quit, just take a break and pick it back up whenever you feel like it again.


I understand this.

From middle of November until just this past week I didn’t throw.

I’ve also taken month long breaks from social media as well.


That’s a great thought. I think quitting is often a symptom of not wanting to let something ebb and flow with how much joy it is able to give you.

We tend to want something to sustain a certain amount of creative satisfaction, social fulfillment, “getting a new thing” excitement, etc… but in reality, it is inherent that something will have natural dips in what it is able to provide, and if we’re always chasing the peaks, we can get very worn out. Perhaps even bitter. I think some people don’t know how to ride those natural dips in the joy, and find/allow something else to fill it in the meantime, while staying present enough to enjoy the peaks again.

Admittedly, it’s very hard. For some, it seems the only solution is to formally quit and stop themselves from feeling obligated to enjoy themselves. I’m more likely to have the opposite problem… lose interest during a dip and forget to pay attention and stay ready for things to get good again. Ideally we should be able to ride the natural ebb and flow of what joy something can bring… embrace it, even. Seeing it as an issue is the first way to start fighting something that can’t be fought. A good way to feel very, very defeated.


Totally fine! You’ll kill your love of the hobby if you force yourself. Hell, I took a two-year break and came here to say that dayum, I had to look up this old thread to remember how to tie a yo-yo string :sweat_smile:.


Is it my imagination or is the contemporary version of the Duncan glow-in-the-dark Imperial (you know, the white one) more translucent than it used to be back in the 1970s (and earlier)? I have a relatively recent NOS one that I picked up on eBay and it is much more translucent than I remember it being when I was a kid in the 1970s. I seem to remember it being much more opaque than this. But my memory of that time is super hazy so maybe I’m remembering it incorrectly? Does anyone have one from the 1970s (or before) that they could compare with a more recent production run?

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Just saw this Unprld*something collab and thought I would see if anyone has details on it?


Dear God, not again. Been there, done that. Buy a Magnum……


Remind me to never buy yoyos off eBay again. They are extracting sales tax from what amounts to person-to-person sales transactions. The superiority of BSTs–from a buyer’s perspective–becomes painfully evident here.

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