How’s your FrontStyle coming? This thread is full of gems.
Yoyo joe 1 made a tutorial once Here is the link
Thank you once again!
This is a really cool one you found this time. Thanks again my friend.
I just reposted it here after someone posted it in another topic last night.
One of my favorite FS tricks! JL sling was my first TaW trick last year. Very cool.
Ithink this trick fits well here. I found this on the same thread you pointed out earlier.
So i probably watched 20 of steve browns videos on you tube last night. Dude is amazing!
He has so much FS there. Do yourselves a favor and check out his channel. Some tuts are older video but they are easy to follow. Not easy to do.
This is my latest FS combo inspired by tuts from above.
I checked out my post from last year. I posted a Gentry FS combo which was slow and choppy…i was very proud of it last year. I’m far prouder of my progress now then of any one combo. i am excited to see what i post next year. Keep throwing, watching tuts, and hanging out on this forum!
Nice job, Mike. You always inspire me!
I was really happy to see someone tackle one of my favorite FS combos - especially someone just learning it and going through the elements slowly.
I also tried in slow motion (the same with tons of yoyo videos) and my brain just gets woozy. All I do is try to focus on a tiny-tiny element and block out the rest. I usually end up doing my own version of whatever tiny-tiny element I can process.
If you watch this one on yourube at 50% the video is actually pretty clear. His first whip laceration mount is unreal, i think there is a hookish element in there (might take a life time to figure that out) But the rest of his stuff is a lot of Chopstick Flow FS which he does a lot of. Since i was shown your original posts I’ve been watching Steve videos a lot. Just play with the mount is a lot of fun.
I’ll make it a mission to dissect this video.
I wish I could give this more likes. Amazing vid.