Fixed Axle February 2024 - Week 2

That would be awesome. I’m pretty sure there would be some interest. Certainly on my part at least.


It’s a niche within a niche within a niche… I will have to test the waters very carefully :slight_smile:


I should get a gnome hat for next week’s challenge :wink:


I’ve seen multiple people kinda doing it wrong. Heck, now that I’m looking at my entry, my zines aren’t the best either.


I just kind of got the feeling that we were going on honor system. If the people said they did it, they did it. There have been lots of questionable tricks, on my own part too, I’m sure. I think we need @Pun1sh3R or @Captrogers or @GnarlyCharlie to chime in?


Man, Drew’s ‘zines just oozes style… It’s a tough call for sure, you have a very good technic for this trick @GnarlyCharlie. I remember being impressed watching your tut last week.

While I think my ‘zines is technically correct, I can still improve the timing and movement to better accent the second redirect where it stalls slightly in front of the face. I think it comes down to the fact that it is a fundamentally simple trick, but is challenging to perform well.

Also, what video is this clip from?

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100G! I’ll take two! I imagine it’s a tad difficult to use but the heavy yoyo calls to me.


Niches all the way down yet I’m still enamored…

You’re spot on. I’m more concerned with being comfortable putting yourself out there and participating and we aren’t judging this at any high level it’s all honor system.

With that said don’t submit 5 trapeze say you did them all and think you’ll get away with that. The community will self moderate outright cheating I hope. Similarly the guest tricks like with last week may get more scrutiny as they are a bit more unique or challenging.

All that to say if the community feels someone didn’t land something proper then I’ll say the community can call that out but I’m not going to nitpick anyone’s ability to do any of these tricks as I Can barely land some of them and not on camera for most lol.

However if folks want to discuss how to do things better or interesting variants or interpretations go nuts I’m hoping this is more a learning experience and not some sort of stress endurance test for anyone. If anyone needs help or advice at any phase speak up I think we all are really awesome and will help out where we can.

I figure if we wanted to judge folks we would have pulled together a judging panel and setup rules and regulations on what counts and how things score but that wasn’t the vibe we where going for here nor did we have the time to do all that. Maybe next year we can end it with a judged free style combo using what we learned through the two months. That would be really neat.


That yoyo looks ridiculously fun

Yo I’m pretty sure I did it wrong also :sweat_smile: Also question—I know the Yoyo doesn’t flip over, is each repetition the exact same? Or does the string switch from winding on the top to on the bottom? Sorry I don’t have better vocabulary to ask this question.

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Each repetition should be the same, makin da zines consists of 2 regens so you’re back to the same spin for the trapeze stall


Aight perfect thanks I understand now!

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You’re welcome! Having it not flip is easily the hardest part of the trick with how far the yoyo travels before the second regen

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I agree, don’t want to put anyone off from attempting to participate, pass-ability and recognition of the trick are important though. As cap said, if someone is way off, we will have to evaluate, but we’re also here to try new things, expand your skills, and have fun as a community. Even mine aren’t that pretty, but I’ve had a lot of fun doing them! :slight_smile:


It’s from this video at the 1:30 mark. Such a great resource!


Okay this is like the sketchiest thing I ever done but I have no more time to play today really and I know I did this wrong before so here’s the trick with the right mechanics (but super sketchy).


Quick tips for better looking zines:
Start by practicing doing pinwheels from a trapeze stall dismount.
Then, try to release the string and regen right before the yoyo reaches the highest point in the pinwheel.
Hope that makes sense. :smile: