Favorite yoyo released in 2023?

I got him covered.


In no order my easy top 5 favorites out of 2023 so far are:
YYR upheaval
YYF Moonlight
Edge 4
YYFR gyrfalcon
Tp mustang g5


Gonna be honest, this year we got some INSANELY good yoyos. More than the last couple years I feel like.


iā€™m not buying anymore yoyos for the year so my top picks for 2023 releases in no particular order is the G2 SL1000, G2 LLT, YYR Upheaval, & CLYW Klondike.


Both the oddballs made it! :fire::fire::fire:

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Patiently waiting for my 888, clear coat and 08 engravings, which Ben released a couple of days agoā€¦


thatā€™s what made them stand out! there are lots of great middle of the road yoyos these days, but the SL1000 and LLT were just so different in a good way

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I agree with you on the Titan. I donā€™t do 3A (yet), but Iā€™m loving it for 1A. Iā€™m really enjoying the weight of it as well. Maybe I should step up to a Hades :thinking:


Hades is my absolute favorite yoyo in both 1a and 3a. If you are not turned off by the weight of the Titan, I highly recommend it. Hades feels less rim weighted than the Titan, so itā€™s a little more nimble when moving around. Truely does not move or feel like one would expect from an 80g bimetal. I also prefer the larger gap width of Hades when Iā€™m playing 1a. Fairly different yoyos tbh but both very very very good.

Also, love the (yet)! 3a is a style where I always have loved the way it looks, but was hesitant to actually dive into. The first few days of learning to use the offhand are definitely a major hump like it felt so unnatural at first, like stepping back to day 1 of unresponsive play. The more I play the style, the more I love it! Hope you eventually give it a shot!


Oh, Iā€™ll get into it for sure, however I feel like I want to get more consistent with 1A before diving into a new style. Plus the idea of yoyos clanging together makes me break out in hives :rofl:. Iā€™ve been eyeing the Hades for awhile, but Iā€™m not sure if I can justify the price (actually, I can justify it, but my wife canā€™t):smile:.

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Thank you! Iā€™m so glad youā€™re enjoying it and hope you do try 3A, itā€™s a lot of fun and we have built an amazing community that is so supportive in a discord server. Also, the best way to get over the clanging of the yoyos is to take them and do it on purpose a couple of times, once they have marks you kind of go numb to it. Then over time, you will see it as its beauty. A well-used pair of yoyos from 3A looks so amazing to me because you can see the work and grind the person put into it. Kinda like the art of Kintsugi.


I have a pair of plastic Fulvias squirrelled away for when I get brave enough to try it. Iā€™ll get there eventually :love_you_gesture:.


Iā€™ve been burned by forum hype in the past, and have grown to largely ignore it, but this year, due to forum hype for two particular yoyos, namely the Hades and the Klondike, lead largely by effusive praise for these two yoyos from @GTDropKnot and @SR1, I decided to buy both yoyos. Theyā€™re probably my two best yoyos. In terms of pure play, no yoyo has ever facilitated the ease of landing my tricks the way the Hades does. When it comes to the overall package of feel + performance, Iā€™d probably have to go with the Klondike. Theyā€™re both at the highest level of yoyo performance Iā€™ve ever experienced.

P.S. - This year also brought the Steadfast, Hattrick 2, and Le Gato, which are all amazing yoyos. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s many more I didnā€™t get to try, and others Iā€™m sadly neglecting to mention out of forgetfulness.

Bravo to all of the excellent yoyo designers out there. Hereā€™s to 2024!


Dont forget the matching makeup too!


I am not very good, but Yoyofactoryā€™s Bullseye is my favorite right now. Myself I donā€™t feel a drop off in performance when not finger spinning.

In fact this yo-yo has currently stopped my yo-yo purchasing. When I see the new drops, Iā€™m currently ā€œmehā€ and go about my day.

But that is just me.


The two on my radar this year were the Aspen by Edition and the Dopamine by Hollywood Modern

both excellent yoyos, instantly in my top 10


Oh i never meant it was bad at other things. Just not outstanding. Nothing that stands out as remarkable. Just perfectly serviceable and decent.

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dreamcraft asora is my favourite from this year. wonderful wonderful yoyo. puts a smile on my face.

duncan grasshopper 2.0 is an outstanding performance yoyo. insane value. perfect specs and shape.

empathy southside and empath. impressed by both of them. southside is the most ā€œfunā€ playing performance bimetal i have played. empath is a good blend between performance and feeling good to play.


Itā€™s good man, wasnā€™t trying to attack.

It was your original posts way back on the Bullseye, I was close to ordering from Yoyofactory Europe since it took a little bit longer to release in the states.

Oh i donā€™t feel attacked thanks. Just wanted to clarify.