Favorite yoyo released in 2023?

You are in for a treat mate! Great yoyo, hope you take the matte because it feels amazing!


Currently I would probably say it’s a tie between the antimono and wilderness.


Snagged the last blue!!!


Some really good stuff. Is that the Aria? I also got the Wilderness 7075 today. I’m liking it more than the 6061


Yep, that’s an aria. It’s definitely different than what I was expecting. Not the heavy powerhouse I thought it was going to be. It’s till enjoyable, but not really what I’m looking for. @KorinaMcCarty


For me it’s these Alchemik titanium prototypes, but it’s starting to look like a 2024 release. No adjustments needed, these things are siiiiiick.


Best looking yoyo of 2023 without a doubt is the Unknown w1ld.


Also doesn’t that 84 string smell interesting? It’s apparently a type of conditioner used on the string.

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It does and I love it, it seems sort of parfum for men ahahahahah it makes me laugh very much

That’s what I thought too haha. I didn’t know they used conditioner on string at first and was like what the hell :sweat_smile:

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No picture i take would ever be good enough for this yoyo. The look the lines the cuts the play the spin time even the colourway its perfection
I know its not the actual yoyo that comeout this year its just the new colourway that came out this year but i dont care this is just sooo good


Can confirm they lace it with fabric conditioner after string production which its kinda gimmicky but interesting, only downside of using it tends to worn out pretty quicky after couple of throws coz fab cons helps the poly material softened.

This string pack above I got it back in late 2018 by my vietnamese friend as a gift and the scent is still intact til this day.


I’m going to have to give them a sniff ! I tried them initially and thought they were pretty good and I totally agree it’s the best looking I was really grateful 84store shipped it to the us for me


Gotta agree with you on that one brother, the “Unknown w1ld” is drop dead gorgeous. I’d love to be able to add one to my collection.


It smells fresh and quality differentiate then from other bulk string.
Story aside, I got a chance to went back home in Vietnam in summer and able to see that my old friend Le Minh Dung, owner of 84string really doing well at it. He has his own floor in his house to store material, testing new product and customizing order. Too bad I only have short time there so I cannot order customized string, but I can say that quality is comparable to Zipline but way cheaper in bulk price.


So not to toot my own horn, but beep beep

With the first release in January of 2023 and more throughout the year, culminating in a combo pack nickel plated collab with DedHed Designs, I have to name The Gnome as my favorite release of 2023.

This super fun organic D-bearing offering is a serious player and brought some really fun colorway/engraving combos to the table:

And we’re not done yet! More to come in 2024!


Just got these in from Japan, and the yoyovideo archive and entangle 2 are really the stars! The Dahlia is nice just not as nice as the other 2.


Yo imma give a shout-out to the save3a titan! This thing is an absolute beast and really does excel at 3a! Way to go @yoyoxcellence james for the vision and @MarkD Mark for the execution and helping turn James’s vision into a reality! The titan is also probably one of the best 1A yo-yos you can use to learn new tricks from tutorials as well. This thing will just keep spinning while trying to butcher your way through learning a new trick from a mrmatio or junyi Lin tutorial. Nice work y’all!!!


Thank you!! :pray: :heart:


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