Favorite yoyo released in 2023?

Spinworthy Steadfast is a Beast from this year.


Allright, trying to think of the things that came out this year that I either owned or got to play. It’s quite the list.

Recap of 2023 released yoyos that I got to try. (I buy too many yoyos…clearly)


  • Anti Mono

Very Unique hybrid. Organic-ish feeling and packs a decent punch.


Emotion is my #1 monometal at this time. I honestly think it performs on par with some bimetals.
The titanium version is very cool. But it feels a little less powerful, lighter and faster though. Also really neat. But at the price points they are the Ti really can’t compete with the Aluminium version.


All are good, Harmonic is probably the most powerful organic I’ve played but somehow it didn’t quite click with me.
Accellerated is a freaking monster of a yoyo. Small, super stable, super comfortable fast, light and powerful.
Linear is a very nice monometal shaped just like it’s older brother Perpetual which I love. It plays VERY different however, much faster and lighter. Excellent yoyo.
In case you didn’t know…Motion never really makes something that doesn’t impress.


  • Paragraph
    Fun mono, great price point but wasn’t so impressed with the fingerspin dimple which is used as a major selling point.
  • Nucleon
    Great allround bimetal…powerful and stable…but I found it a little boring.
  • Roundabout
    Was disappointed by this one. It’s a good yoyo. But not super unique in the market. And felt a little like a brick on a string.

Mazal Top:

  • Mentsch
    The yoyo itself…amazing. The bimetal version of it was already one of my favorites but I think this hybrid might actually beat it. It’s more comfortable, wider, just as stable fast and powerful.
    The ordering process however was a drama that took over half a year from the time of pre-order which does tend to sour the experience a bit. Owner is working on getting his stuff back on the rails though so maybe it’ll be better in the future. I hope so since I think he sells excellent quality. So I hope he can get his process on par with his products.


  • AntarcTIca
    Shooting Star is my favorite plastic…the new iceberg is also amazing value for money. And iYoyo managed to make this monster of a TiSS for a very nice price for such a yoyo. It’s a work of are that also plays stable fast and powerful. The finish on it is gorgeous and it’s one of those yoyos that just ooozes class. But it’s not just looks. It truly is excellent. It reminds me of the IQ but on a higher level. Very glad I got one.


  • proto
    This little thing is going to really impress some people once the owner puts out the final version. It’s more stable and easy to play than it has a right to be and it better for fingerspins than something that small should be.


  • Gnome
    Just a lovely handmade solid 0a yoyo. It’s a keeper.


  • Speedaholic FX
    Haven’t gotten one of my own yet (should get one around december though) but really impressive. Like they ramped up the speedaholic on every front. Speedaholic xx already only barely got edged out as a favorite by the shooting star for me. But this hybrid version is truly impressive.


  • Bullseye
    Low budget monometal fingerspinner in my favorite colorscheme. Could not resist. Only excells in fingerspins and does just OK in every other front. Excellent low budget buy though…would be my recommendation for a monometal fingerspinner for sure.


  • Divemaster Legendary
    Was expecting a cheap bimetal where the Ti rims were just a gimmick. But I really fell like it plays different than an SS bimetal. Does it have a similar quality feel as a Hinemosu? Of course not. The finish is nowhere NEAR the same. However if you want to try something with thick Ti rims that doesn’t break the bank…this is not a bad buy. I think I’ll hang on to mine for a while at least. It’s powerful, fast and stable and I do really enjoy it. Even if the engraving is super cringy and tacky.


  • Cheatcode
    Too much hype on this one. I bought it right when it came out…but am honestly just not that impressed by the fingerspin capability. For me the Shooting Star is the gold standard and it might just be my thick white boi fingers but the shooting star outfingerspun the Cheatcode by like 2x for me. Other play on the cheatcode was just…as the kids say, kind of mid. And since it didn’t impress me all that much on it’s main sellingpoint it went to someone else’s home who liked it more than I do.


  • plastic 000
    Good BIG feeling plastic. Gud yoyo. Decent price. Fairly unique. I never really played mine much so it went to a better home.

Will add pictures to this post in a bit.


Its tied for number 1 with my edge infinty and yyfr graviton


After meeting up for yoyo club and trying a TON of yoyos, I would like to update my opinion. I still think the Grasshopper GTX 2 is incredible and one of my favorites from 2023, but I also want to add a few throws to my list. Most notably, in no particular order, the Yoyofriends Pheasant 2023, Da Vinci and the Graviton are absolutely phenomenal yoyos! I’d never tried Yoyofriends before this and I can definitely understand the hype now, they are remarkable yoyos! I tried so many of their throws and was blown away by all of them. If you haven’t tried Yoyofriends, do yourself a favor and pick one up, they are worth the hype imo!


As a sidenote…I’m still awaiting Motion Parallel…


Ok before I forget again, can I put here the Topyo - Noema?
So many people slept on this, idk why this yoyo didn’t get hyped up more, it is literally insane.

For 80$ you bring home a bimetal that has an incredibly high quality feels to it, it is incredibly well done and smooth as velvet, it is a pleasure to throw it.

It is born as a 3a signature player but in 1a it really shine, doesn’t feel too heavy but nice and present on the string I can describe it as very solid, it makes your play feel secure and powerful, the width it just make every single trick possible and easy but is not too wide to annoying during tech playing, it spins forever and is incredibly balanced, I love to use it to create combos and also to throw in horizontal and behind the back horizontal, it just feels great, during slacks and whips it perform really well the nice and wide area it makes easy to catch the string, incredible that this is not out of stock already, very amazing one!

Absolutely in top 5 bimetals this year and the price is not too out of reach, the matte ano it feels amazing while playing



So… it arrived… and its very good.

It’s a lot lighter than it actually feels. It’s fast zippy and very solid and stable feeling.

I can recommend this one for certain. It’s smaller than full sized but you don’t really notice that on play at all.


Its very good awesome throw it is similar to a turning point kind of. Might need to get another for the price cant beat


As a huge Markmont fan, my favorite release for 2023 is the Markmont Project 2.


Well i only bought 2 throws this year which really surprised me is topyo noema and c3yoyodesign vanitas my first c3 bimetal now i know why they say they make the smoothest powerful throw noema is just pure power for the price u all better snag em if u like heavy throws and want a long sleeping throw this is it perfect wideness
Vanitas is my fav V shape and widest throw so far 100 bucks well worth it


My next throw i been looking at is the yjyoyo radiance


I did buy that hot pink lol need a second one haha

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These are my vote for 2023


Hollywood Modern Dopamine!


If there was a year end yoyo awards show, my votes for each category would be:

Best performance yoyo: Hydrangea Aquilegia

Best comfort yoyo: ILYY Krapfen

Best yoyo on a budget: Duncan Grasshopper GTX 2.0

Coolest yoyo release: Duncan Delrin Freehand One

Best yoyo aesthetically: W1ld W!ld - Unknown Edition

Most confusing yoyo release: Yoyofactory Fingerspin DV888


Most confusing :skull_and_crossbones:


Yeah, I don’t see the need to release DV888 variants when they have much better models on the cheap.


Best that I’ve own:YJ - Radiance
Most anticipated:TP - Colony2


Wow i hope yye carries the radiance

Based on your commentary I just picked one up!!!