Let’s face it, 2020 has been rough, so let’s spread some good. I’ve been watching the “Worst yoyo thread” and realized that it is not spreading good thoughts to some people, so let’s change that!
I am going to add a little side note here: yes, there is no best yoyo. Perfection is based on how an individual feels, this is why I am making the best yoyos, for all y’alls insight!
Lately, I have had more time for yoyoing and I have bought more yoyos. I think there are some fantastic throws this year and I want to highlight the best. I want to compile a list of the best yoyos of 2020 to end the year right. Here are the categories:
Intro wood
Premium wood
plastic (injection molded)
plastic (machined)
intro monometal
mid-grade monometal
premium monometal
intro bimetal
mid/premium bimetal
Gimmicky (think Dumpster Fire or Nine Dragons, not something derogatory)
There obviously must be some rules so here we go
Must be a yoyo that was released in 2020
You must have played it. Not necessarily own it currently, but no comments like “I heard the xx is really good” or “I have not played xx, but…”
Finally, you have to be able to back it up. Your analysis does not have to be right, but it must make sense.
For me, I want to nominate two main yoyos:
In machined plastic, the c3yoyodesign Speedaholic XX may be the best plastic yoyo of 2020. It is stupidly smooth, long spinning, indestructible, and wide w/o being too wide. It makes bangers, speed combos, and tech tricks easy. Plus it is really cheap combining in at 28 dollars. All and all, this yoyo definitely has to make this list!
Next is the Mk1yoyos Exia. This is definitely a premium bi-metal. It is wide, smooth as butter, grinds amazingly, and is perfect for my tastes. I have not had any trouble with my harder tricks (or my longer ones for that matter). My consistency in whips and hooks is just ridiculous, and it makes me feel almost like a pro.
Premium Bi-metal: The Peregrine is amazing. Every spec is the sweet spot for me, the cup is nice for finger spins, its incredibly rim weighted and preforms amazingly.
Premium Mono-metal: The MarkMont. Classic Magnum Opus is also fantastic. It flows super well and naturally pulls me into a nice rhythm.
My personal favorites are the caveman go and the Dunk. I would put the yweti right behind these two. The caveman go has a nice balance and has an excellent response. The dunk is affordable, smooth, and just flows. The yweti is the smoothest titanium yoyo I think I’ve ever touched and is light on the string.
As soon as I saw a new TopYo Colossus was released I bought it. The Colossus V will probably always be in my Top 5. The V and IV compliment each other perfectly and in my opinion are both pretty awesome. @William4842 Nice topic!
I’d like to nominate a the RSO Ti Silver Bullet. I have it set up for responsive play and it is just so comforting to play with. It just offers this sense of calm with the weight on the string and the sound it puts off.
For mid/premium bimetal I really really like the Butter! I have the Peregrine also but find that I pick up the bi-metal shutter more! I just like how soft and smooth it feels on the string.
For premium monometal I think it is the SF Movement. It’s amazing for competition yet still is really fun. It can handle anything you throw at it, is wide and plays way above its price range.
I have trouble remembering if all these really came out in 2020, but close enough.
Intro wood: Caveman Go (not really an intro wood, but I had to mention it)
Premium wood : Spinworthy Blood Cell
plastic (injection molded): YYF Atom Smasher Proto
plastic (machined) Dove
hybrid: Mowl surveil
intro monometal: OneDrop Intro
mid-grade monometal: MK1 Umbra
premium monometal: OP Yoyos Absurdity
intro bimetal: The new YYF Bimetal is a premium feeling $60 bimetal, a real bargain
mid bimetal: P40 Warhawk
premium bimetal: YYR Chopsticks Gorilla
titanium: Everything RSO did this year is incredible, but the E1nstien is my favorite
Gimmicky: I don’t consider it a ‘gimmick’ but the YYF del-ring yoyos, the flame and damage, are super cool and incredible players.
Other stand outs:
Converge, MK1 Exia, Tosser, Rain City Deluge, Dunk, Mike Monty Memento, UNPRLD Nostalgia, Winglet SE, Bequest Legacy, YYF Ultimatum
Out of the (relatively) few 2020 releases I bought this year, none of them absolutely blew me away. Maybe the Peregrine would have if it had been released in cherry red, but it wasn’t so I don’t own one. However, I did really like the following:
Monometal: Sunbird, Boost Afterburner, Silhouette
Titanium: Ti Genesis (Doomsday edition)
Wood: Caveman Go, and all the Spinworthies!