Best yoyo of 2023

I am starting to prepare myself for the Christmas season and want to know which yoyos should definitely be on my radar. I have heard absolutely incredible things from the following yoyos and I want to know if there are any others that should truly be on my list.

From what I have gathered the most hyped and loved yoyos released this year are the:

CLYW Klondike
Unprld Notion
Disyoyos Anima

If there is anyone that happens to have all three or even multiple, what are your thoughts on the qualities that make these yoyos desirable? I already know there are several with strong opinions, and I am perfectly ok with being flooded with hype because it will help me make a more excited decision.

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I’m beating the Klondike wave. Buy a Palpitation ES.


I’ve tried all three.

Klondike clears em all easily. Yes, of course I’m biased as I probably have hyped it up more than anyone, and have more of them than most people do, but out of these three - Klondike takes the W, IMO.

Notion is… fine… but after the hybrid novelty wears off a little bit, I find that I just wanna go throw something else. Plus, $80 for a Hybrid isn’t the best value IMO, you can get a Hybrid Fulvia for almost 30 bucks less and I personally enjoy it even more. And even at the $80 price point, DresselDesigns Monarch is simply just a better all around yoyo to me.

NGL I thought the Anima was kinda… weird… and not at all what I was expecting. When it was passed around at DXL a few others felt the same. I know this sounds weird as hell but it’s kinda like if you crossed an Motif and a DD 5050… but there’s like, not a reason to do that lmfao

At the end of the day though, it’s about what type of yoyo player you are.

If you’re a tech player, @fradiger is absolutely 100% right, buy a Palp ES. It’s absolutely one of my all time favorite bimetals, but if you’re not doing lots of tech oriented stuff there’s better choices out there, especially for the money.

If you like quick & light yoyos… you might look into something like the GTR JS.

I just take the Klondike stance b/c it’s a great all arounder (and out of the given choices, the best option - if you put it up against other stuff I might have a different answer, Idk). Like… if you had said “I want something light and fast,” I wouldn’t have brought up the Klondike and would’ve just gone straight to the JS or some YYFr model. Speaking of YYFr, take a look at some of those, they’ve been killing it lately and have a price point for everyone.


I think the Monarch retails for $80 too


Oof, good catch. I thought mine was cheaper. I think I got it on sale or something. Edited.


i love the monarch so much, fast and stable and super pretty. if it came out in 2023 that’s my go to fave


Also, side note - I think certain releases were quite a bit more hyped this year over the mentioned throws, if that’s what we’re going off of. Jeffrey Pang’s work particularly got a lot of attention this year - Plastic Fulvia (although it was released RIGHT at the very very end of 2022), Hybrid Fulvia, and Plastic Peak.

Idk if they’re up OP’s alley or not, but the Duncan FH line has been doing NUMBERS too. All the fantastic new editions of the regular FH1, the FH mini, FH1 large bearing, FH Polycarb and FH Delrin have received a LOT of love.

I’m definitely forgetting some super hyped up stuff but those are what came to mind for me instantly.

It came out in Octoberish of 2022 but definitely still gets talked about quite a bit and rightly so. Also probably my favorite Hybrid yoyo.


Hades lol


Wasn’t even released in 2023 :sob:


Monarch is pretty fantastic and my hybrid pick but like I know this goes against all you 1A pros here but the turbo grind machine was a sick release this year. I would buy it again. Similarly the El mijo polycarb was awesome.


Best Yoyo of 2022 and 2023


2027 Hades best yoyo 5 years running lol


I present to you, the best yoyo of 2023…

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Of the three you mentioned, Klondike.

I’ve heard less than favorable opinions on the Notion

Haven’t touched an Anima and no one I know has talked about it






Monarch is great but wasn’t 2023. It’s responsible for all the plastic + aluminum hybrids you’re seeing this year though.

Emotion for monometal

Klondike for bimetal


Just gonna do it and live with the consequences. Fat Tire 20/20 is an absolute banger. Been playing it a ton since I got it. Besst of 2023? No, but def one of my favs of the year. All my current fav yoyos released last year.

Carbine, TiTross, and Herdsman from G2.


You like what you like bro no hate over here, just saw a good opportunity for a meme lmao

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Is it that good?