Extreme lightweight design from YYF - The 44!

I got some friends that are chinese and they say that actually no one wants to live n the 4th floor

So it simply means “death by yoyo.” A few well aimed boingy -boings.

I think everyone is reading into these numbers a bit too much, it’s just a name. Does the One Drop 54 mean Five deaths? Does the A-RT 420 mean Death twenty? Does my Four Sigmatic Mushroom coffee really just mean DEATH POISON DRINK?

It’s a 44 gram yoyo, sold for $44, and named… 44.


I could care less what it’s named. Not superstitious. :slight_smile: Neat idea and yoyo.

But facts are there are superstitious beliefs and mannerisms surrounding the ‘4’ which I feel just adds to the fun, but maybe not for yoyo’s?

Five Deaths would be a sweet yoyo name! For 5a of course.

Carl Sagan is making the rounds again with his old statement mentioning superstition.

Science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking. I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time — when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness


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Oh my, yes! Spit it out now! :scream:


So, I just got mine today and well it’s got tons of those “artisan anodize marks” which I wasn’t expecting and am not a fan of.

Not trying to start a thing here, but is anyone else seeing this on theirs?
A simple yes / no will do, please don’t blow this up into more than it is – just wondering if I should try for a replacement.


Huh, I didn’t notice that on any others while taking photos. Is it speckled like that on both halves or just one? We can definitely swap it out for you.


both sides… all over. It doesn’t look intentional to my untrained eye. I would be interested in a swap if possible.


I got the blue speckle and it’s perfect.


It’s cool. We got it sorted now. Ace customer service swooping in and saving the day.

Big Thank You to @YoYoExpertGarrett


In completely unrelated news - Special Limited Edition “Black w/ Silver Speckle” 44 Releasing Soon!


1-1 ($44.44 retail price)


I think that black with silver speckle is sweet!


It seems like it may not be limited to the black one.
The purple one in the product pictures looks to have a similar thing, but not as widespread. Not really sure if it’s just an artifact of the camera or something else but the black 44 product picture doesn’t have the same white spots in the same circled portion.

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Some of the 44s sold at the overseas stores appear to have those same speckles in their store pics.


I have this color way and it’s blemish free


RIP me. Eternal bad luck.

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That’s great haha, but some of them might have blemishes. Or maybe it’s really an artifact. I hope it’s an artifact.


I don’t really see the blemish that you circled in that one, could just be lighting. The purple/pink is an acid wash, there’s always going to be variations in color with acid washes.


You have to really zoom in to see it haha. I just went to the product page and zoomed all the way in.

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