"Don't you have enough yoyos?"

I haven’t jumped on you.

The thing with skill toys is that most people don’t play with skill toys, or at least don’t get serious about them. Even many who have in the past played with yoyos, they don’t fully understand them. Yoyos have evolved a LOT over the past, well, I don’t know, but I got my first one in 1977, had it taken away due the broken string, then got back into it for real in early 2011, so the changes have been tremendous from my perspective.

As a parent who throws, I am “into it” so I understand. Your parents are not. To them:
They are just spinning objects. They might be plastic, they might be metal, they might be wood, or some combination. Other than that, aside from decorations to them, a yoyo is a yoyo is a yoyo.

Let’s talk whiny unappreciative kids for a second:
I got 4 kids. 3 girls, 1 boy. The boy is into yoyos and I take him with me to skill toy meets and he helps me at CalStates and BAC running sound(and goofing around with yoyos) and he went with me to Nationals.

Let’s take BAC for an example: My wife felt “guilty” and bought the girls over $100 worth of toys while I was at BAC with my son. Before I got back from BAC(and I said don’t buy so much in toys for the girls), ALL the toys were destroyed. I got Richard a GoBig at BAC. It’s still working. His Fiesta XX I got him at BAC 2012 is in kinda sad shape, but in that case, he’s played the heck out of it, so in this case, I can even justify saying he wore it out. My house is full of toys being destroyed. My kids are even attempting to destroy my stuff and my wife’s stuff, furniture and darn near anything else they can get their hands on. I say no, they, through their actions, say effectively (something not suitable for reproducing on a family-friendly forum) to me. There is a box of small rubber band hair ties my wife got, which have now become some sort of daily task of strewing these all over the house. I could rant and rave about whiny, unappreciative kids for days.

My wife spoils them, but I’m the one who deals with the fall-out. My wife isn’t concerned with how things impact me. My kids’ unacceptable behavior is DEFENDED, and it’s as if they poop gold, their flatulence smells like roses and they are “perfect in every way” so it seems. I guess my wife hasn’t seen me have to quite literally almost kill myself tripping on toys to break up a 4-way “little kid brawl” while trying to instruct a client how to navigate the console port on a Cisco router. Then having to do the same thing not even 30 seconds later. I’ve literally done so much yelling the past few days, my voice is shot, I can’t talk on the phone, and I feel like a Marine drill sergeant doesn’t have squat on me when it comes to volume and quantity.

Sorry, took a dark turn there.

Really, they don’t get it. That’s OK, they aren’t going to either, so don’t bother trying. The best you can do is explain things to them and hope they can grasp some of the concepts. At the same time, honestly, this is a toy and a luxury item and unless you’re competing, it’s hard to argue a “need”, when it’s only going to be perceived as a “want”. Educating them on the topic will help them understand the mechanics of things. After that, I can’t say what they will or won’t be able to take into consideration.

Also, keep in mind, holidays are coming up. Sales are coming up. Even YYE has sales on Black Friday or is it Cyber Monday, but they do something. Maybe right NOW is not the time to buy. Maybe it’s within your best interest to hold off. Maybe gift ideas are being gathered.

Do this: Spend the time doing research. In the meantime, just enjoy what you have, which is what you’ve been doing.


I feel for those of you who have parents or spouses to keep your spending in check :wink: I have neither, with is good…and bad, depending on what day it is. :smiley: Today, I am fortunate that my purchases are private, and no one knows everything I buy…but me. I only got a dose of what it was like to have my spending exposed, when I went through the homebuying process and my bank statements were being combed through by a mortgage broker. I was asked out of curiosity what is “YoyoExpert?” :smiley: Those people get everything, your check stubs, taxes, and bank statements. You are fully exposed. But, it was apparent from that, that if someone was checking my spending all the time, I would not like it at all.

But, those of you who have parents watching your spending, have to realize that most of us older people on the forum experienced the exact same thing when we were younger. The frustration of not being able to buy that pair of sneakers, or a video game, or yo-yo, or whatever is huge. But, when you start making enough money to buy what you want and make your own decisions about how to spend it, there will be new and better stuff available. You will even spend time buying things you were not allowed to have as a kid, and you will realize you didn’t really miss anything at all. Usually the lust of having what you want is, in reality, greater than the reality of the experience of actually owning it. The trouble is, you won’t really know that…without owning it.

I really wanted a few things as a kid, and I didn’t get them. >:( Thanks to Ebay, I was able to go back and buy those toys still new in the box. What a bunch of crap they were. The fact that they were so great, was all in my head. They were part of a particular time when they were “considered great.” There is new and better stuff out now, and my idea of how great those toys were, was created in my head back then.

Don’t sweat this current stuff, it is a snapshot of a moment in time. When you are making big bucks, usually times will have changed for the better. :slight_smile:

But to answer your question, I only have enough throws when I run out of space for them…and that is not going to happen. ;D

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Or white bio bop for one of them

Just say, at least im not spending my time with thugs and spending my money on drugs. :stuck_out_tongue:

GregP, I am not allowed to trade. Also, my Smooth Move is not Blasted. It is Nickel Plated and it has a chip, a very small one, but I don’t know if you want mint or not mint.

Not mint is the description of 17 out of 20 of my metal throws. :wink: However, wasn’t looking for the nickel. Point of interest, though: the nickel being sold here is soda blasted. Yours is probably the same unless it was a special edition.

Everybody needs a hobby.

Ever since I’ve started working my parents don’t really care how I spend my money. As long as I’m not being stupid with money they’re cool. But then it’s not much of an issue 'cause I rarely spend. Given my track record, I don’t really need to buy new yoyos anyway.

I really must agree!

My wife said she’s glad she doesn’t know how much my yoyos costs or she’d be angry and nagging me about it, but also said its bad because when I die someone could score my most prized yoyos for a quarter and she would be perfectly happy about the deal.

Heart stopped and skipped a beat when she said that.

I think if that happened, I don’t think you’d be in much a position to do anything about it. That is unless you come back as a ghost and haunt her for not getting fair market value for them!

I have a great excuse:
Considering my in-laws are owing me well over $100K at this point, I said “when I get paid back in full, I’ll stop buying yoyos like I have been”.

I haven’t received a cent in payback. There has been ZERO complaints. I think I’m onto something!

It is strait from A2Z. Bought it from Nick Gumlaw. Nothing but spin Dynamics is on the cap. It feels blasted, like my Supernova. But I’m not sure.

P.S. Is blasted the shiny ano, not the matte.

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My parents are exactly the same way, except I spend a lot on yoyos ;D but I make it a part of my monthly budget to spend $100-$200 on yoyos, it’s my hobby and I want a variety and maybe even a small collection.

No, blasted is usually a bit matte. The yoyo is literally blasted at high speeds with media. Ever see a sandblaster? Same thing except for yoyos you wouldn’t use sand as the media. Two of the most common media to use are baking soda and wee little glass beads.

This leaves a bit of a texture, and the texture has lower friction than a perfectly smooth or glossy finish. But consequently it’s a bit matte-looking.

now to find out where Snafu lives and get to work tampering with some brake cables…

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Of course it’s excessive, but too much is never enough.


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You dirty dog hehehe…

ROTF my thoughts exactly now I must find a way to store my yoyos with out cases I would need to invest in a small fortune in cases lol.

Speaking of I must digress slightly (ok a lot more then Slightly lol)

I am thinking of having some display cases made and wonder if you might think of a good idea of how big the squares should be? I’m thinking 2.5" would be sufficient as loose shelves would be a waste and the yoyos would not like the freedom to roam once in awhile, but would be more comfortable with the close cell walled prisons they’d be relegated to?

Almost the exact same thing happened to me! Like you, I am the only person who knows what I do with my money. I recently purchased a house and as the mortgage broker was going through all of my statements he asked me what Yoyoexpert was because all the other recurring charges made sense. Grocery store, Target, gasoline, etc…yoyoexpert he was clueless about! It was entertaining.

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That should have included a deer in the headlights style photo out of him as that had to have been a real perplexing moment for the guy.

:smiley: I wish I knew he was going to ask for those bank statements more in advance. I would have tried to look good for three months. He saw every little charge legit. I should carry cash on me more often, but I don’t. So my debit card purchases captured every little thing. Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, every $2 purchase was on there. I was thinking…wow, when he asked about YoyoExpert. I just told him that I collect toys, and he understood after that…or not. :smiley: That was the moment that I knew what having a spouse would be like. I didn’t like the question at all. Marriage is not for everyone. :smiley: