Do you prefer bimetal or monometal?


That is the one I purchased. The gold almost looks like brass with the contrast. Very nice. It is also a great throw.


Not sure I have a preference . I go back and forth just kind of depends on how I am feeling .


I think it depends. Some monos (One Drop being a great example) are outstanding. That said, so are some bimetals, like my favorite, the YYF iQ. I’d also say the opposite holds true, too, as I’ve been underwhelmed by both designs in the past as well. I think I lean towards the feeling of monos as bimetals tend to feel heavier even if they’re not. A good mono really allows the shape and design to stand out vs the stability and spin time. Probably some physics at work there, but I’ll leave that to the smart guys.


prefer bimetals and its not even close. that’s not to say i don’t reach for the monos in my collection fairly often as well, but when I’m serious about learning new tricks and polishing my skills and combos, I reach for a bimetal without a doubt.


That is a rather personal question… :wink:

Seriously, a well-designed mono-metal is every bit as good as a well designed bi-metal. I love playing my YYR Gleipnir just as much as my Draupnir. I love the Chopsticks Gorilla and I love to play my Ti-Radius. I still pull out my very first yo-yo purchase: a Chico Yo-Yo Heavy Hitter. It can still play with any of them.

Its the yo-yo; not the material(s).


Ha! I was just thinking about this very thing yesterday. I love both, but I’d be lying if I said I get reluctant to play bimetals outside the house/carry in public for all the reasons listed above; fragility.

I’ve been playing the Fulvia the most still.


Bimetals by quite a bit. I enjoy any good yoyo. But Bimetals tend to have my preference. There’s just not substitute for that Stability, Power and spin time.


Mostly into monos. I don’t need performance based SS rims. Doesn’t mean I don’t have a few in the ole collection


Yes, I think if they’re designed well then they’ll take the cake, no matter what material.

I really wanted to like bimetals, but I’ve been underwhelmed. I understand the concept, and in theory they can be better, but out of the 4 I’ve tried, I’ve only really loved one, liked another, and hated the other two. Even at that, none of them seem objectively better than my CzechPoint Pivot.

I think in comes down to which has the best quality design more than material; more importantly, it comes down to skill (e.g. $25 vs. $400 Yo-Yo Godspeed Battle! - YouTube)

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i prefer mono mostly because there are less parts that can fail/get damaged and usually they are more cost effective. bi metals have rings that can be knocked out of whack, etc. otherwise bimetals in good shape play very well typically.

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I’m gonna shake this up. I prefer hybrids over BiMetals. However it really depends on the situation. I bring plastic or beat up monos with me when I’m out and keep the bi metal and hybrids at home but when at home I often reach for a hybrid first.

Also my personal preference is wood over all other material and often that trumps the other stuff…

i only have one bimental and its awesome

that being said, it doesnt seem to spin longer than my best monos

but the lightness is fun

Bi-metals all day bweeeeeee!!! I want that bimetal punch yo like that feels gooooood! I will concede that not all bi-metals are equal tho and some of them don’t push the sick rim weighty feel I love in my 65g and under bi-metals.

I have a few of both, bimetal and monometals, yet I still prefer a good plastic. This past year I have been tossing the Mowl Hybrid as my main Yo. It is one of those yoyos that plays WAY beyond my skills.

I own a few high end bi-metals, yet when I pick up one to throw it’s been the MagicYoYo Z01 focus. Just love the way it plays.

For Monometals I’ve been tossing the Moon Rock icarus by DocPop. It just has a special feeling.