I have a similar history with yoyoing. Learned the basics on a butterfly/Duncan wheel then moved onto a mosquito to learn basic 1a and looping (also acquiring any “cool” yo-yos from random visits to you stores like yo mega stuff, some other Duncan’s, and some old yyf)
First true unresponsive was a YYJ legacy and I was so sure watching Andre I would never need another yoyo! Then I saw the dark magic and fell head over heels in love with the big stainless rim look!
After learning up the ladder and being an intermediate thrower, I had saved some allowance and birthday and Christmas wishes and had gotten some cool yo-yos over until I was in middle school. I had stuff like an 888x, YYJ atmosphere, mini mo, one drop dingo, pop star og, c3 di base 2, but never any Bimetals… the legacy and atmosphere were about as close as I got.
Now fast forward to 2020 and I’m working as a security guard watching cameras all day and had a lot of down time. I decided to pick up one of my old yo-yos, and threw a couple tricks, and decided it was time to jump back in to my old love.
After messing around with my old yo-yos, I decided I wanted to buy a new yoyo, but upon doing some research into what current yo-yo models looked like, I found the over all normal size of yo-yos had grown a little, and there were a LOT more Bimetal options around!
So as I went down the rabbit whole spending a highly unhealthy amount of money in a short period of time, i acquired many a Bimetal, and have tried a lot of the ones out there! But not all of them to say the least…
I’ve bought, sold, traded, yo-yos and my collection was at around 100yoyos, but is now sitting at a (imo) healthy 40-50 yo-yos. About half of that being currently for sale or trade.
Yo-yos like the turning point collapsar, hinemosu, yo-yo rec od draupnir, chopsticks gorilla, Valkyrie, yo-yo factory butter, meerkat, iq, flame, etc. have ultimately taught me what I do and don’t want in a yo-yo, especially as I progress with my tricks moving more toward a “advanced/pro” level of play, but in the most casual way. Nowhere near competing, but def have some tricks under my belt and a sponsor ship to call myself “advanced”.
I have widdled down my Bimetal collection quite a bit, but these are some of the ones I’ve owned since I jumped back into yoyoing in 2020.
I will say my favorite yoyo in the world right now is the Motion yo-yos Perpetual, with the yjyoyo Galaxy time running in close second!
P.S. I realize now after taking about 30min to add these photos by sets of 5 into the post, that this response is horridly long.
(And yes I realize by making a P.S. in the post that I am further elongating my response…and also by literally acknowledging THAT fact, I am even further lengthening said response… and also by LITERALLY acknowledging THAT fact I am even further lengthening said response…… and also that by acknowledging THAT fact I am even further lengthening said response…. And also by ackwnow0393&;;!!:&:&$ndjfnfmgtkeicjcndkeskifjrmesicjfnrmeixcidjdm’…………………
tv static and sobbing in background
Lol. I do apologize for its length, though I hope those who visit this post might appreciate the trip down my memory lane. I certainly have. Will delete response if necessary. Thanks All!