Post your bi-metals!


With monometals I tend to like things that feel good in the hand, and I’m okay sacrificing performance because I just enjoy aspects of the yoyo beyond how it plays. I like cool profile designs and things that just look interesting. When I look at bimetals though, pretty much all I care about is how they play. When I only have them for their performance, I’m just not interested in having very many when the performance of what I have already feels so high.

Surveillance is more stable and can handle rougher/more aggressive play before you really start killing the spin. Akita packs a huge performance punch into a package that I can’t really imagine getting more comfortable to play. Performs slightly worse than the Surveillance, but above all of my monometals. It’s more prone to tilting from sloppy play, and the extra width/narrow gap will really start to kill your spin if you start getting too sloppy with your play. A humble reminder that bimetals despite being a performance boost aren’t a silver bullet for being better at yoyoing. Akita is what I grab when I want something comfy that plays above all of my monometals, Surveillance is what I grab when I’m trying to do something that’s actually hard.

As a side note, I had a wildfire before and I kinda miss it. I just wish the rims were blasted on it, that was my only real complaint. Good yoyo.


Dude… this is so true. I’ve never actively THOUGHT about this but I think like this without even realizing it, you just put it into the perfect words.

Whenever I pickup a bimetal I feel like I’m in “performance mode” lmao… anything else - I’m just having a good time, ya know?

Fantastic post but good GOD I wish I never even read this:

…cause now I will never, ever be satisfied or die happily until CLYW makes a blasted rim Wildfire. That sounds so god tier man. Amirite or amirite @unklesteve :eyes:


I forgot this guy.


Hypothesis, Gravity, Focus
Flame (Beaten up), Flame (pristine)
IQ, Kinetic Boost, Edge Beyond.

Currently awaiting a Mazal Top Rectifier as an addition.


I’m surprised you don’t mention Butter or my new found love… IQ. The YYF IQ seems to be on a different level for me. Maybe it just plays to my style and speed but I can land EVERYTHING with a ton more consistency. IQ doesn’t slow down and string interaction seems negligible… meaning you can wrap LAYERS and it just keeps going. I’m playing Kitty Fat and it seems perfect.

Based on your like of the GTR-JS though, I will surely want to give it a go.


Respect the classics, dude.

Hspin handQuake 1.4b.


Funny you mention that, literally last night I picked up my IQ cause it had sat a little unplayed for a bit, and man… I forgot how much I loved that thing. Tossed it around for like an hour straight. But I’m tottalllyyy like that tho - I tend to rave about a few throws I’m tossing around at the moment, but then pick up something I haven’t thrown for a bit and am reminded of how great it is. So I guess that post was a snapshot of that specific time haha… and yeah, I guess I surprised myself too by not mentioning the Butter. It really is an “all time great” for me, although I don’t throw it as much as I should because of the sentimentality I have attached to it. I know that new Butter is gonna HIT tho, I’m super excited to cop that when it drops and will have no problem playing the hell out of it.


Totally can’t wait for Butter 2.0. Hoping it melds the best of both Butter and IQ.


I’m also super hyped for the new butter !!! Gentry himself said that the og bi-metal shutter was the next step in the shutter line. So I wonder what this new butter will bring to the shutter legacy !!!


Hey how you doing. What do you think of the Mazal top bearing. Im waiting on a few bearings from them.

Hows the ghost throw.

Whats his you tube address please

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No bad huh


Wow! How do they play?

It plays awesome, I prefer tone to inevitable

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Love his Bearings. I have the full Ceramic in my YYF Flame and some of the Hybrid ones in some other throws. They’re excellent. Good spin times, fairly quiet, low maintenance.

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Here’s my little lot


Sounds good. Cant wait for mine to get here. I feel like ive been sweating on them for weeks. I dont mind a bit of noise from my yoyos . I like the bearing and string noise