Do you prefer bimetal or monometal?

I second the Shutter. It is a great throw.

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I don’t play my bimetals nearly as much as I thought I would. My favorites are expensive and play perfectly. I think of it like daily driving a Ferrari. You can but it’s not going to hold its value or perform as well if it’s beat up, so I usually go with monometal. And a beat up titanium for edc. What would normally take a chunk out of aluminum or possibly miss align the rims of a bimetal, titanium just gets light scratches that don’t effect play much if any. And you can spark it!



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I have two of the shinobi, it’s really my favorite
Yoyo I own. I don’t have enough experience yet to really input why, but that shape plays really great and to me, i feel it doesn’t start leaning to one side easily and really is smooth as butter. Plus I put a gold DS Nsk bearing in the galaxy color way and it just looks sick.


That’s great to know. The yoyo expert edition is on sale right now so I was considering getting one.

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It was really worth it imo.

I believe it. It is even made out of 7068 Aluminum making it competitive in price to other high end yoyo’s.
What is the weight profile of the yoyo, Does the Shinobi play more solid or floaty?

I’m no less paranoid about damaging my mono-metals, so I have no problem pulling out a bi-metal any time it seems like the right choice for how I want to play.

My most expensive yoyo is a monometal and my favorite for learning tricks is a bi-metal.


bimetals without contest


To me it feels pretty solid on the sting but not heavy. The size is just perfect in my opinion though. It definitely feels a little heavier than my iyoyo impact for example, the impact I think was floaty. So maybe more solid on the string. I have 3 Sengokus in my collection and each one is so awesome.

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Yes, I prefer bimetals or monometals.

Doesn’t really matter. What matters is what kind of design the maker intended it to be, and whether that intention is achieved with the chosen material and how well it is executed.

Some bimetals I like, some bimetals I dislike. Same thing with monometals and even plastics.


I have both and enjoy a solid bimetal from time to time and appreciate what they are, but I prefer my laid back monos for sure

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But wood is always good


I mean, obviously.


Bimetals all day


I just found the Yoyofriends Nucleon, which looks awesome to me. Really think I’ll like it. Also, that macha with gold rings color is awesome looking!

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Its really good. Probably my best yoyo friends yoyo. I got the blue fade. Thinking about getting a second one.


Nice! Will probably buy in the next week or two.