CNC Spinworthy?

I designed 2, MR85 unresponsives today.

I think I have a good idea of which one most of you would prefer…

Both only accept flowable for response as they have a custom size and the groove is dovetailed for better flowable longevity.


I like the second one!


Love the rims on the second one! MY idea would just be a Delrin RBC. Never tried 0A but i think the “soft feel of Delrin” would compliment the shape.

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I love my organics, but that second design looks pretty cool.

I’m more partial to organics myself but I would do either of these

I vote for the Organic MR85


I’m just very intrigued with how an MR85 unresponsive would feel in play. Also I’m curious how the smaller axle used in these setups would handle the added stress. Or if maybe the next size up axle might be used. I don’t know. Every time I see that little axle it just seems so delicate to me and I feel the need to go easy on it.

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52mm? That’s what I usually consider as my sweet spot for diameters, as I’ve got several at that size and they’re fantastic. But wow, 48mm is really wide! It looks like it would be really comfortable, though, with plenty of space for finger grinds. I’m looking forward to it.

For the MR85s, they both look nice but the second one practically takes my breath away as it looks incredible!


I second this! a delrin rbc or a full wood production run would be great


The bloodcell is a thing and while not the same shape or material the survivalist is a fantastic plastic.

Maybe I should make a CAD for it and send it to Eric to make a CNC run of wooden Bloodcells.


Id buy 2 (mid & heavy) a mini bloodcell would be fun too

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Well shoot now we talking about minis… I’m in on that.

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mini steadfast review

Never got to throw a prototype, so been eagerly waiting the release, just had to be responsible enough to wait a bit before pulling the trigger :stuck_out_tongue:

My first impressions were good, though I did go check the spec sheet because it really doesn’t play as heavy as advertised (I… weighed mine to confirm, it’s heavy!). Few hours later, very much a fan. The steadfast is incredibly performant, and I think I really like this yoyo. This yoyo is elegant, the weight is distributed in a fashion where the yoyo is comfortable to use while also retaining a shocking amount of stability and spin time. Feels great in the hand, feels even better on the string. Also, the change to the smaller gap was definitely the right call.

I would recommend this to yoyoers who aren’t afraid of heavier throws, and want a yoyo with alarming levels of control, power, and stability. Also, should go without stating but this thing is a tank, solid 7068 with a long axle.

I’m very happy to see more people experimenting in the heavier weight ranges with monometals (especially after some very glaring failures in the past in this space).

Great work as always Glen!


Thanks a lot, mate!


Its a pretty big compliment, @fradiger . I see your favourites are very high end yoyos indeed, so I’m blown away that you like this one!


Any of you that have purchased a Steadfast, would you mind leaving a review on the store?


Thanks for the review, @Woodyrson !

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These both look in-effing-credible! What does a bind feel like on a mr85? Snappy as heck?

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It would feel incredibly snappy!

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