CNC Spinworthy?

I would be all over both of these. It always comes down to finances at drop time. If money wasn’t an issue, I would have every spinworthy ever made. My survivalist literally never leaves my pocket unless it’s on my finger.


My prototype came in.

52.5mmX48.3mmX67.4g It plays very well indeed. Nimble and very capable with an excellent throw and return feel.

I’m unsure what I want to call it as yet.


Studworthy :joy:

wobbslow :melting_face:

I will sell three of them if anyone is interested.


Given the uniquely Australian nature of you as an individual and your company, a name that is also uniquely Australian might be a nice nod to that heritage. Just an idea.

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Looks great, kind of reminds me of a more organic TP MIID-Y.

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More of a general suggestion, but maybe something cloud related could work.
Also, how much would it cost to buy one? Just curious.

All three protos are taken.


I’m calling it the Stout.

Seems to make sense because it’s nice and wide.

Edit" I’m calling it the Staunch instead.


Looks excellent, any plans to make a full run?

I’m getting a quote from FPM. If I can convince YYE and a couple of other stores to stock them, I’ll probably make a full run. This yoyo should be out there and available.


I actually have one more Staunch ptototype I can sell. PM me if you want it.

I was going to keep two, but I’ll let go of another.


I’d buy one! You ever end up making any?

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I got my staunch prototype yesterday. The slightly undersized diameter with the substantial width is an incredible combination. It is very nimble and it does not feel like a 67g yoyo, other than its surprising amount of spin. It is very very good, it definitely needs a production run!

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I have a proto you can buy if you like. Just PM me.

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After throwing it a lot, I can verify that it has good performance, but I don’t like the overall feel.

I know what changes I can make to rectify that, but I can’t afford another prototype run at the moment.

After a few hours, I really like it. It feels to me like Steadfast-level performance in a different shape.


Yeah, I do agree that it performs great. I just think that something is a little off with the weighting or something. I think it would benefit from being 2g ligher with a 15mm axle That’s what I think at this stage. Power would take a slight hit though, but not a lot.


Sweetness okay may catch up after the holidays thanks!

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