CNC Spinworthy?

OK, so I just threw it for the first time in almost a week.

My opinion on the yoyo is changed. I really like it too. It actually is what I set out to design.

It was feeling a bit too dense for me earlier on, but having a decent session with it again, it doesn’t feel that way to me now. Thing flies around and loads of power.

Its strange how different the same yoyo can feel when you give it a break from throwing for a bit.

Only thing I might change is making the gap .05mm narrower.


funny because this is the exact set of emotions i went through when I got mine

i can see the argument for reducing the gap too

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I Ike the current weight, but a 15mm axle is intriguing.

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How do you feel about it now?

I like now nimble it is for the weight. I could definitely see the argument for shaving a gram off though, but I’m not sure if it would give the desired outcome. Feels like a bit of an upgraded recognition at the cost of more weight.

I think in an alternating like/dislike relationship with a yoyo does mean something is wrong.

I have redesigned it with the same axle, 2g lighter.


I have played the Staunch 30-60 min. every day since it arrived. I think it just happens to be a Goldilocks yo-yo for me. The power is good, the stability is good, the dimensions are good, the shape is good.

The weight works for me and how I want to play (generally slow and deliberate), but I can believe that a 2g lighter version will be good too.