Let’s Hear Your Opinions: What’s the Longest Spinning, Most Stable, Yoyo You’ve Ever Played?

Curious what peoples opinions on this are from a performance standpoint. I don’t own any purely performance oriented yoyos and I’m thinking it may be advantageous to get one. Even if it makes learning tricks just a tiny bit easier, I’d say it’s worth it.

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W1LD Tilderness is the most performant yoyo I’ve ever used/owned, and it’s not even close.

But since that’s obviously pretty price prohibitive, check out the C3 x W1LD Dinosaur In The Wild. That thing is nuts. I think @KirbyRobot said it was the best yoyo he’s ever used (and he’s not the only great yoyoer I’ve seen say this), and I can completely see why. I just like the Tilderness a little more and think it aligns with my preferences a bit better.

And although it’s not the BEST yoyo I’ve ever used, Klondike is still my favorite, and the perfect blend of both performant and casual feel IMO. Its pads (Snow Tires lol) and slightly reduced width compared to the mega wide bois being used more and more give some other options a slight edge on it. But if you’re just getting into more performance oriented yoyos, it’s hard to think of a better place to start since it still has some of that casual feel people love from CLYW yoyos.


seeing you comment about this yoyo so often really makes me want to get one lol


The C3 x W1ld seems really a banger, way out my wallet but it looks great, I seen it in real life in Prague and does also looks very good.

To answer @GnarlyCharlie

For my experience (not in order of preferences) and to give you a bit of choices, I would say:

If you do not mind some bigger sizes made for comp:

Yoyofriends - Peregrine X
Atmos - Ekta

In the “normal sizes” department

Yoyofriends - Overclock
Yoyofriends - Papercut
Clyw - Klondike
Duncan - GTR-JS
Unprld - SU1 (literally a tank)
Unprld - Seiji
Empathy - Noir

Also I am pretty sure you will find your way with the W1ld products, they releasing bombs, I do love the Wilder.

I think if you tell us what type of tricks you will like to learn is also easier to advice you because shape does a lot in “comfort” on learning tricks, like for example if you want to go full tech and dense tricks I will advise something not very big in sizes


YYF Edge Beyond, spins for days!


Just looking at spin time and stability only; for me the C3 Plasma Crash and YYR Valkyrie (the original, I haven’t tried the update) take the cake from what I’ve used.

Note that the design choices that make them very stable and long spinning also result in them being quite a bit slower/more methodically paved, less manoeuvrable and heavier than my preferences and I wouldn’t say they are the “most performant” yoyos in my collection overall. However, that stability and power makes them great for learning new tricks (the blasted rims on the Plasma Crash also are a big help with this).

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C3 x W1LD Dino in the Wild and Enjoy Circle Aurus (yes, I’m a bit biased, but trying hard to be objective with this one :slight_smile: ) - these are god tier yoyos, the most performant I’ve tried and also very different from each other.

(Look at this trace of those titanium rings on the ceiling in my room :smiley: )


Nikita please do you have news about the first one? Is a brand I never heard it does looks amazing also in that blue!


Yes, I will post some news about it very soon! We have started new yoyo brand and this is our flagship bimetal


Oooooh damn CONGRATS, from the pictures it does look a shape that I love, would love to try it, the biggest good luck to you, I can’t wait to see!


Thanks man! Appreciate your support! :muscle:t3:


Easily hades. That Yoyo smokes all the other yo-yos for this category by a ton. You gotta throw it hard and it won’t stop spinning. I like that it’s easy to control also


some picks off the top of my head would be

YYR Savage
TP Hades (if you can stand 80g, …MOST people prefer lighter yoyos)
JT Kagerou (i prefer this over the klondike personally)
basically any empathy/w!ld - imo these are the two brands pumping out the best premium bimetals atm, you can’t really miss

also, most of the yoyofriends bimetals (nucleon, papercut, overclock, etc.) and the mk1 bimetals (HD, exia) are all very good if you don’t want to shell out >$100, but I prefer the above over them


I’ve been eyeing this one. Don’t know much about it other than I’m an Empathy fan. All their videos are amazing. However, I hear very little about their releases on the forum.

Over the past few weeks I’ve been dabbling in more beginner tech type tricks, but I’m slowly realizing I can’t avoid the slack forever. Avoiding slack while getting more interested in tech is like trying to avoid sand at the beach it seems.


If you want something competition oriented, I would go for The Yoyofriends Graviton, Overclock, or Peregrine X. But… If you want something more fun and not competitive… Go for the Koi.

Edit: W1ld Tilderness, Noradrenaline, Dinosaur in the Wild, and Anceps are also really really good


How do you feel about the durability of the Dinosaur In The Wild? I remember reading a review once from someone on here talking about how they accidentally dropped it while just holding it and now it vibes.


I’m treating this yoyo more as a tool to get a job done while learning a trick, so I’m gravitating more towards a comp style yoyo. All my other yoyos are fun, this one just needs to help me out a bit while learning a new trick. Figured the wide gaps and stability will help with that.

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I’ve looked at this one a couple times over the past year. The weight definitely scares me a little since the heaviest yoyo I’ve owned is around 66g.


Yeah it’s heavy and not a Yoyo for kids really but you get used to it and then it’s amazing imo


My Experience- I dont have a lot of yoyos in this area.

Spinworthy Steadfast (Half Speced).

Its heavy and spins forever. This is my “Trainer” throw.

For the most part, it just plows through my inaccuracies. BUT if it snags, watch out.