CNC Spinworthy?

Possible next yo.

That is, if the rest of the Steadfasts sell.


I received my Steadfast today and have been really enjoying it. Iā€™m patently bad at describing yoyos but I will try.

It is very stable and capable. You can feel the weight when catching it and holding it but it never feels overly heavy, it definitely utilizes its weight in an effective way.

I also love the look of it. I got the black version. The design is very elegant and understated.


With the benefit of more time under my belt, I can safely say this thing is great (with the caveat that I donā€™t have just a ton of experience). Iā€™ve barely picked up anything else since I got it. It feels great in-hand, is super stable, and very smooth. It just spins for days. I actually already put a little ding in it because I wasnā€™t prepared for how fast it was still moving after doing a little combo. It rocketed back at me, past my hand, and slammed into my watch :joy:

I had planned on trying a more modern throw or two in October to find something of that style that clicked with me and performed well. I was kind of leaning toward picking up a Klondike. Iā€™m not sure I need to at this point. I canā€™t imagine anything performing any better for what I can do now and for the foreseeable future.

If we need to clear out the Steadfasts to get another unresponsive from you, I might just need to get a few moreā€¦


Oh they donā€™t all have to sell out in an instant, I just want to see them gradually selling through.


Iā€™m surprised there is one raw left. I thought those would all have been sold right away.


I have bought the Steadfast Once, a few timesā€¦

Dark Blue = Prototype
Grey = Hard Coat (1/2 Spec Bearing responsive set up.)
Black = Production run that just came in.


I still canā€™t beleive youā€™re doing that. Unless its for home defense purposes.


LOL, thats its 2nd purposeā€¦

But honestly, it is an amazing responsive throw. With the power of this yoyo, it seems to just plow through my learning inconsistencies.

What I mean by this; When throwing a Plastic or other lighter responsive monometals, they tend to snag and return (sometimes too easily). The Steadfast just kind of ignores it and keeps on going.

Now it is not all Puppy Dogs and Rainbows. It can be one of those life lesson teachers. The one time I actually snagged this yoyo, it gives you a physical reminder - ā€œYou probably shouldnt do that again, here is a little pain to reinforce this.ā€

I know this design is not intended to be played this way. But it also fits my Responsive needs better than any of my other yoyos for my 1A journey.

Thats why I have 2. 1 Responsive, 1 Unresponsive. Cross over is just changing yoyos.

Thank you Sir.

For those curious; Half Spec Bearing and a Shorter Axel is all that is needed.


Are people interested in this design?

Itā€™ 51x48x68g.

Iā€™m either going to get this prototyped or design a very strange unresponsive yoyo with a 4mm wide MR85 bearing.


I am interested in that design.


Yep, count me in

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Count me in on the strange one regardless of if the first design gets made. Cause 4mm mr85 sounds wild and I want to try that


I will definitely buy one


Can I half Spec it? LOL, Just kidding.

But seriously?


Haha. Mate, you can half spec anything you like. Thereā€™s no real shame in it. :+1:


Short answer: yes
Long answer: yeeeeeeesssss


Yeah, Iā€™ll get to designing that one over the coming days. It will be a very interesting yoyo.




Yeah, thatā€™s what I was thinking too. I bought mine exactly 0.57 seconds after the countdown expired here on YYE :laughing: I checked on them for the next couple of days afterward just to get a feel for how quickly they were selling, and Iā€™m surprised that thereā€™s still one more raw left. I think that this is a good example of how inflation and the current state of the economy have affected peopleā€™s buying habits. It seems to me that the new releases donā€™t sell out as quickly as they used to a year ago, and the BST seems to have slowed down as well (as least when I tried to sell some older throws).


I have finalised the design and sent it in for prototyping. Should be ready in a month or so.

Final specs are 52.5x48.3x67.7g