CNC Spinworthy?

Based in Aus here too, were these machined locally ?


I spoke to a local machine shop in person. I asked about 7068 and he didnā€™t even know what it was.


Thereā€™s definitely an Imperial forstner bit that fits the Cabal guts. I canā€™t remember the exact measurement right off, but itā€™s perfect for the spacer diameter.


If you can find a couple and buy them, Iā€™d gladly pay for them plus the shipping to Aus.


On it!


On the topic of this:
Yes, there is an enormous list of traits people look for when it comes to comp specific yoyos. Which varies per player, and play style.

I was about to high-jack this thread accidentally by explain all about that process but ill keep that for another post on my own at a later point haha.

Congrats on the run Glen, looks like a jammer.


Wellā€¦ Yes. That is pretty obvious.

I know what traits I wanted in the Steafast and went for them. It really is a very good alround yoyo in my opinion.


Thanks! :smile:

There was a guy on theyo that spent a seriously long time trying to make a smooth wood throw that he could bring to production that had rim weight.

I want to say his name was tikigod but he never got past more than a few prototypes. I think yoyo brothers has one of them.


Got my Steadfast in today. Iā€™m still very new, but my early impression is super positive. Iā€™ve gravitated heavily toward organics so far, but have been looking for the right throw of a more modern shape to extend combos and land things a little easier. The only thing Iā€™d tried up until now that clicked at all was the Speedaholic XX, but I wanted something metal and with a little more weight. This thing is nailing it for me so far. My search may be over for now, so I can go back to collecting organics :joy:


How appropriate.


How typical as well.


They can turn 6061 for days, but I canā€™t sell that at the premium price it would need to be if it was produced in Australia.

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Even though that wouldve been very rad and unique, I think the finished product still looks really great!


Can your shop turn yoyos, @Marioyo ?


We donā€™t have any lathes :smiling_face_with_tear:

Just a bunch of cnc mills where Iā€™m at.

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Have any of you received your Steadfasts yet? Please tell me what you think of it when you do.

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It arrived about 30 minutes ago. Loving it, truly an excellent job on this one. Had to weigh it because in no way does it feel 70 grams. Power for days. Please do more unresponsive and the black with small initials looks so good. Hopefully that becomes a standard color for you. Canā€™t help thinking this would sell out quickly in Japan. Couldnā€™t be happier Glen :hugs:


I am impressed. It plays lighter than its weight, especially when compared to other 70 gram throws in my possession. It is way easier to make it go fast than I was expecting without feeling forced. Iā€™m not great at speed play and get sloppy when trying to go faster but this yoyo has the power and stability keep it going when a lot of competition yoyos would get too unstable or die. It likes to stay on plane, but it doesnā€™t resist too much when I push it out, it doesnā€™t have that overly rim weighted feel that many heavier bimetals have.

Itā€™s very well put together and feels like it would take a lot of abuse and keep playing well. Mine is dead smooth, the blast feels great on grinds, and its is very comfortable (especially for its shape and weight). I think it does exactly what you were going for, and really fills a niche where there arenā€™t a lot of alternatives. Closest comparisons I have are various turning points around this weight, none feel as well rounded and versatile.


Thanks for the feedback @d34dj3d and @KorinaMcCarty !