CNC Spinworthy?

Thanks a lot for your writeup, Mable!

This is interesting. Does the Magnolia have a shorter axle than the Steadfast? I can see that it has a smaller nub, taking a hair off the weight in the centre, but the rimweighting of the Steadfast could not be more extreme than it is as a monometal.

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The axle on the magnolia is 10mm but I kind of get the same feeling. The magnolia is about a 1mm thinner so I think that adds to the feeling.


Yep. That 2mm shorter axle will make a difference there albeit very minor. I wanted a 12mm axle to add to manoeuvrability, which it does.

It also has a more extreme bell shape. Inverse walls can really help to push the weight outward. I wanted that quite subtle on the Steadfast.

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I beleive the the narrower gap will help with this. I think will feel significantly more responsive in play. Hard to explain.

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What yoyojoe said. Magnolia is a 10mm axle, and the entire yoyo is also 1mm more narrow. The rims on the Magnolia are also a bit thicker, and the profile has a more aggressive concave catch zone that has the rims pushed out higher than on the Steadfast.

Entirely different playfeels of the two yoyos. Magnolia feels heavy and has a lot of kickback, Steadfast feels lighter and is much more gentle in its movements.

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This is dependent on the naterial usedā€¦ 7068 may be denser resulting in a thinner rim with more weight density.

This is true. I believe the density of ANB79 is equivalent to 7075, so 7068 should be a little denser.

This Magnolia is 66.5 grams. Iā€™m pointing to the spot where the Magnolia uses that more aggressive concave catch zone along with flatter rims to have more weight up in this spot.

The walls also feel thinner but I donā€™t have calipers on me so I canā€™t say for certain. Regardless hereā€™s pictures of the two. Both excellent yoyos.


Im very interested to see how you find the production run. I think you will find spin power particularly increased with that gap change.


Iā€™m noticing that the Magnolia has a larger diameter too. Diameter can make a big difference to a yoyos power.


Quite possibly the best review ever written. Seriously. Rife with great comparisons and context on use.


Anyone want to try this before it makes it back to me?

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Iā€™d love to try it out. Please!

Iā€™m interestedā€¦

Some goodbyes are harder than others.


I was sooo sad to send this one back tbh :sob:


People are liking it then?


Glen, after you so cruelly disinvited me from the party at the last moment, do you really need me to tell you that I moved it along quickly after first trying it because it was becoming my favorite yoyo, and I knew I couldnā€™t posses it? I hope you donā€™t expect me to describe it as a Goldilocks yoyo that is just right (for me) in every important way. It doesnā€™t feel floaty, or dense (rock on a string), but seems to play on the line in between, always just where I expect it to be. Should I admit that it has great power, and plenty of stability, but can still be steered very easily? Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ll admit none of this. I sent it way today and my yoyo heart breaks.


Rest assured, the best is yet to come. You will not miss out on the production run.


Maybe @yoyojoe would be open to selling it to one of you guys. It seemed like it wasnā€™t quite his cup of tea from what I know.


If there is anyone else here who has tried and not yet posted your thoughts on it, would you mind doing so? It would be appreciated.