Cake’s String Reviews

I sent cake a butt load of p44 make cake review them


i have many p44 as per captains request, take your pick and i’ll work on it and tag you if i remember :smiling_face:


would love to hear your reviews for all of the types you have! Can’t believe it was that many :sweat_smile:

Thank you @Captrogers @theendofcake :heart:


I think the Beauty of P44 is their standardization. Pick your coarseness, pick your thickness. They are very consistent across the board.


I’m still working on my formulas, but I’d love to send you some strings once I’ve got them nailed!


for my own sanity, i’ll pick my favorite sounding one out of the ones i have and review that one. hope ghats ok!

@rkalajian thank you also for that offer! dm me and we can talk more in depth about it :smiling_face:

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You asked, you got it.

Duncan 100% Polyester || D (64/100)

I expected the worst string ever from what you all said, but it’s actually pretty decent. I also did not plan the D for Duncan. First off, I can see why this is bulk. It wasted away like normal bulk string, felt average, played average. The texture at the beginning was weird and a little bit like Kapow where you can feel everything, but it got fine (reminder to rereview YYSL). The sweet spot was from the 15-40 minute mark, then it goes away. It honestly played pretty well, almost comparable to worn in kitty string. Slacks weren’t good at holding shape even at the beginning, and weren’t very fast like some other, more “slacky” string. Whips were surprisingly good! Given the slack quality I would expect bad whips, but no! Tension hold was kinda averagely bad, and consistency was just kind of a weird catagory for this one. I always feel like it’s the black sheep of the rankings because it’s a mix of “how often can i hit this assuming i do the same thing”, “how does it feel in the air”, and mainly “how long does it stay the same”, which is REALLY subjective. I just kind of gave it a 5/10. Also, the thickness was great when it was fresh, but it started getting snaggy already by the hour which is not good to feel or see or hear or whatever. Contrary to popular belief, I think there’s potential in the perfect stages I mentioned. I’d use this if it was really on sale or if you got it with a yoyo. Or whip practice! For the first few minutes at least. stats below.

Durability 30 min (3.5) looks worse than it is
Durability 1 hr (3.5)
Personal Thickness Feel (4.5) WOWO
Whip Feel Break-In (4)
Whip Feel 1 hr (3.5) waow
Slack Feel Break-In (3.5)
Slack Feel 1 hr (2) i feel blind
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall (2.5)
Softness during break-in (2.5) just string
Overall consistency over 1 hour (2.5) eh, slacks didn’t help this
Total: 32 x 2 = 64, 64 = D graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)

i’ll aim for the kitty whip review to be next if i manage


Dangit, was really hoping to see another HORRIBLE string like snake bite :pensive:

Yet another quality review though, keep up the great work!


Agreed. I genuinely thought it would be pretty bad, but I guess it could always be worse.

@theendofcake you should do a review on yoyoexpert string


Surprised you ranked it this high but you’re the string expert, not me. After your Snakebite reviews i can understand why the Duncan got a D instead of an F because it is at least usable, if not extremely uncomfortable.


gwagh i dont know if i have any on me @_@ id like to get through my donation pile before i buy strings i dont have


Still at it. This one was sent by an anonymous user, thank you again :beers:

Kitty First Class Whip || C+ (78/100)

Very interesting string! Feels a tad bit rougher than most strings, but the Whip part of the name definitely shows by being way whippier than normal Kitty FC. I think the lack of fast movement in the air was an issue with the normal one, so I’m glad to see a bit of improvements with this. Given that so much effort is put into making it whippy, it kind of follows that the string is a quick little fella. In my opinion, you cannot be relaxed with this. The natural speed of the slacks and whips mean that your playstyle has to accustom to it, which some may like! Personally, i’m down for the challenge. If you’re already cranking out 3.0 hooks and meta slacks, this may be an interesting choice of string since i feel the speed of the string can make your yoyoing faster. By the hour though, the string was pretty yuckydisgusting since it’s white. It shined? but at the end it just kind of felt like normal whippy string. I tested out whips again with some extra alphaline, kitty fat, and sochi fat I had and it was just barely faster than those. The whole point of Kitty Whip is to be whippy, but it just kind of feels like they shifted Kitty FC to be more specialized in one area and sacrificed consistency on binds, tension, and softness. The faster pace of this string might be worth it to some people, and it’s a wonderful choice for it. I wouldn’t recommend it for any chill organic enjoyers or anyone without a naturally speedy playstyle, though. It’s great for what it is, but not for anything else. Stats below.

Durability 30 min (4.5)
Durability 1 hr (4)
Personal Thickness Feel (4.5) inconsistency
Whip Feel Break-In (5)
Whip Feel 1 hr (3.5)
Slack Feel Break-In (4.5) a spry young lad
Slack Feel 1 hr (4)
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall (4) not bad at all
Softness during break-in (2)
Overall consistency over 1 hour (3)
Total: 39 x 2 = 78, 78 = C+ graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)


Speed demon string :rofl:

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What do you mean by plays faster? Like will it make me be able to skin the gerbil faster? Genuinely curious what you mean. I feel like play speed is more reflective of string length and yoyo than anything else. I have just never thought of a string itself actually playing fast or slow. Whip speed for lacerations yes, but not like actual play speed idk. Just curious! Thought it might be a fun topic to discuss idk thanks for the review! Happy Sunday!


I believe faster pace of string refers to the whipiness thanks to the heaviness of the string itself, but also the slickness of the string in the way it slides through your fingers. Some strings have a higher roughness to them that allows for more friction. While others have much less, thus the yoyo can move in a “quicker” way.

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oh i meant that it’s faster in terms of slack and whip elements, i don’t know about tricks where the string is taut like with skin the gerbil, but with things like vanishes, lacerations, hooks, etc., it’s noticeably faster than other strings, even if you’re not “whipping”. hope that made it clearer :smiling_face:


Been looking forward to this review! Quality work!

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surprise friday review for the zipline restock in 2 hours! hope this helps with your shopping!
Edit: FORGOT! @Conbon sent this one, thank you so much! just tried to rush it out in time (@_@)

Zipline CS121 || B (84/100)

photo from @ziplinestrings on instagram

This is nylon! Definitely nylon. Overall super fast, and way quicker than any poly i’ve used. Whippy like trilobal poly, but better for my weak Victorian child hands and my thickness preferences. It’s not incredibly slippy, but slippier than i initially thought from eyeballing the thickness. I’d put this on a yoyo with already pretty tight binds though, maybe snow tires (or my koi with yoyofriends pads, which fits it perfectly). Suicides are amazing, but any 3D slack trick has to deal with the incredibly fast motion of the string and how wobbly it tends to be. Traditional modern slack tricks that don’t involve the slack twirling around are more like traditional string. I can’t speak to the effectiveness of the string with high hooks and complicated whips, but I think it just moves too fast for me to get comfortable with it. If everything was tuned down in speed, this would be amazing. This isn’t to bash the string though, it’s wonderful to feel and use for casual play and lasts a lifetime, plus the tension holding is REALLY good if you manage it well and don’t let it build up to hell. It also doesn’t fray or get uncomfy with exposure to the cursed hand juices. If you’re interested in a casual, fast, soft string with i’ll always recommend nylon (and especially this string, if Zipline decides to put it into their main line). Stats below!

Durability 30 min (5)
Durability 1 hr (5)
Personal Thickness Feel (4)
Whip Feel Break-In (4)
Whip Feel 1 hr (4)
Slack Feel Break-In (4)
Slack Feel 1 hr (4)
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall (4.5)
Softness during break-in (4.5) bit too slippery
Overall consistency over 1 hour (3) for nylon? good
Total: 42 x 2 = 84, 84 = B graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)

this is interesting, since i think this is better than a&a fades but it’s lower. i guess this shows the effect of progress in reviews! i hope to be as accurate as possible while always growing, hope this is a good example :3


Great review cake! You pretty much nailed my experience with it to the T. I think I still prefer Skyline or Executive Class to this in terms of feeling since they’re not quite as fast on the whips, but this string is great and I’m really liking the longevity of it so far.

I hope they keep this or at least a version of a full nylon string in the lineup. It feels unique enough to me to warrant it.

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