Bootleg yoyos not allowed in competition?

he does have more facial hair…

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Enough said. Let this be the final word on Mr. B1st, duly noting that his facial hair alone qualifies him as too awesome to be criticized by average minds like YYFBen’s.

Cant get away that easy.

I will say something negative about B!ST, he wants respect but pays none to those who came before him. For those who remember his entry into yoyo was disrespecting OXY in a video where he demonstrated more than his lack of understanding how a yoyo worked. He has always tried to manufacture conflict for attention and used the fact he does not really make yoyos as a cop out. The guy has mad skills, but a mighty big chip on his shoulder too.

I’m going to bed. This thread is ruined.

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Big chip on his shoulder?

You must be referring to his marketing strategy. And it’s working. He’s got you casually mentioning his name; like a specter he haunts you.

Also, thanks for the idea for the metal replay with plastic inserts. I’ll make it if no one else can handle a little criticism from the market.

We can make everything… Go for it :slight_smile: we can supply the inserts!

Ben, while you are here; whats up with extreme similarities in shape of the AG2 and CLYW Glacier Express? Just asking, no hate intended.


Variety :slight_smile: so that those of us who like CLYW a bit more than YYF can also enjoy a cool shaped yoyo :stuck_out_tongue:

Mad props on the Genesis Ben! Its indeed a yoyo meant to outperform any other.

Ben, remind me to buy you a drink or something when we next meet. That was beautiful.

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This has definitely been one of the more entertaining and informative threads lately. Good to have an actual conversation rather than recommend yoyos to beginners and answer “what’s your favourite X” questions.


It’s a good thing this was left open instead of getting locked.

I seriously hate seeing people go:


Look what we got! A delightful little read!

WOW, thank’s a lot, I very much appreciate it!


^ this guy is my hero. One of the last people to take yoyos further than anyone else, and isn’t afraid to tell it like it is.
Hats off to you sir.

Gotta love this guy :slight_smile:

Yes, you guys are ‘cool’.

You wouldn’t understand–you’re one of those boring, grown-up people. You should be handing out Werther’s Originals instead of worrying about what’s ‘cool’.

Everyone knows that Werther’s are real candy. Old people hand out Tums that they think are candy.

i feel like by now the YYF B!st stuff is older than old news. were hearing the same thing every time. would you not expect the head of (one of?) the biggest teams in competition to take yoyo a little seriously?
we’ve seen what bist can do jokingly, what would he produce if he took it as “seriously?”
either way this horse is like ground meat by now. its the same old discussion, you just want to feel like youre “right” by hearing various parties say the things you know they will. zzzz

It’s humorous, otherwise this would be locked. :wink:

And I’m learning all kinds of things from Ben! Thanks a bunch, seriously ;D

Like how not to behave on an internet forum when you run a company!