Boingy Boing (Need help)

It’s just ink. It wears off but that doesn’t affect the way the yoyo will play.


Dawg it’s kinda like trying to learn to run before you can walk… get an unresponsive yo-yo and learn your split bottom mount get it down good then try on XT it’ll be easier not saying you can’t learn it on XT but if that was the only yo I had I would’ve gotten bored a while ago… no offense if you want to take it that way

I done it already on the XT, half bounces, but it did go forward/backward without popping out of the strings.

3 times… this is the best one i ever did. EVER lol great trick… even has a funny feeling to it when you actually do it. Takes a long time untill i do it though.

Is the sonic spin a unresponsive one?? i know nothing about yoyos and im not really into those huge new generation ones.


You’ve prob just never played with one. New YoYos rock feel like an art piece instead of a toy

There are quite a few unresponsive yoyos similar or smaller in size to the XT. Some of them are on the light side too.

I just forgot how to do the trick LOL

Whats the best unresponsive yoyo for boingy?? like ever??

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I too sometimes go blank on a trick when I first learn it. It comes back. There is no definitive answer for that question, just opinions which will most likely clash. You’ll have lots of suggestions here by the end of the day.

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A good wide entry level unresponsive to help you master your boings

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i can do 3 now… but with a shortened string so the boings dont go forward/back far.

Does that count??


Is two possible without that all in 1 one mount motion?? GJ Roy_Doge btw… believing in my XT more now.

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Trying to master the split bottom mount and land it into a boingy-boing is hard! The momentum really helps the trick but if you’re a beginner like me, you might struggle to do both at once. It’s entirely possible to boingy-boing from a standing start after doing the SB mount.

I’ve been playing for five weeks now and started on the trick two weeks in. I can do it reasonably consistently but it’s still a bit spotty sometimes or else goes sideways or jumps the strings.

To break up practising, I switch yoyos: start with my MagicYoyo T5 (unresponsive) and when/if that goes wrong, try it on my YoYo Factory Whip (responsive). Moving between the two gives fresh motivation.

Keep practising, you will get it.


Look at the teaching videos again. There’s that pendulum-like back and forth. All that matters is that you have fun. I am sure contests have rules for what a boingy boing should look like to score points.


Im using a longer string now, no use becoming used to a super short string. I kept it in the middle with the short string better though. The boings where super short too lol.

New generation yoyos just make it too easy, really wide. the butterfly after the imperial is a big step from how wider the yoyo got. I thought it would be easier.

Untill i read the comments here :smiley:

Does anybody know if YOYO-man or YOYO-master can do the boingy boing??

If there is another person here who can do butterfly XT boingy boing ill give it 2-3 more months. If i dont get it… then guess ill have to stop using this one.

Get it as in not 1 out of 1,000 tries.

But i learned to kickflip on a skateboard… that took a year in a half, and another year to get it really high and catch it. Can’t do it anymore now though lost interest.


maathimself but you got it though…didnt take hours right?? My string is all black and thin now, don’t know what worn out means… like it tore apart where it connects at the bearings of the yoyo??

Yeah, your string is worn out. A worn out string can affect your attempts at tricks. Strings don’t last forever especially while learning tricks because the string is constantly rubbing against the response area. A fresh string feels like putting on a brand new pair of sneakers or shoes.


I’m sure quite a few of us can! A couple of us already posted in this thread that we can… :wink: However, just realize that doing it on an XT, and learning it on an XT are two different things.

My opinion is that small boings (within reason) count, and are good at first. They just don’t look as cool. Just slowly widen them as you get better. Remember it’s all accomplished with the top hand just going up and down.

Love the enthusiasm, and perseverance. Keep at at!!!


Too late… i already quit on the XT because i recorded it from the side and it looks REALLY bad. But it feels like im doing smaller ones.

All i saw was… the yoyo would shoot super far forward, but little going back. I just stopped practicing it so i dont become used to that.

Got the silenus… hope i know what im doing. I wanted to just stay on the XT but after seeing it from the side, i just stopped altogether.

I been doing that all along without knowing, good thing i had it recorded. it’s REALLY BAD…


It stays in the middle of the strings. but it goes too far forward and barely any back movement. Looks like im doing something else. Boingy Boing impostor :((

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