Having trouble with my bearing and lube is not working
Several ways to clean ur bearings, tons of vids on YouTube but the main ways are to soaked them in either mineral spirits or acetone. Acetone is easier to find, for me, where I live. Get whichever ones easier for u, deshield ur bearings and drop them into some type of glass container . Use gloves
. You’ll see all the dirt come out of them, and when u feel like it remove them and dry them or let them air dry.
maybe a dumb question but after you clean it do you put the shield back in.
You don’t need to, you can if you want. It’s more work both ways IMHO; I usually leave them off after cleaning and never put them back on.
This is a go-to for exactly what you’re looking for IMHO, OP: https://youtu.be/ozmFQgwS91A?si=UJDQjoOI6qYAflY5
I agree with the above. I also never put them back In.
Are there shields on both sides. if so do you have to take them both out.
I remove shields and never reinstall them. Technically shields reduce frequency of cleaning needed but they are annoying/tedious to remove and install.
Some folks clean Without removing the shields, regardless stuff eventually gets into the race and gunks up a bearing depending on environmental conditions such as pollen levels and dust or small particles and how often you change your string. Also pets smoking and humidity can impact bearing longevity.
Removing one shield is enough to clean the bearing but I like to remove both to reduce complexity as once one shield is out the second shield is useless and just another thing in the yoyo. I figure it’s one less thing to make contact potentially reducing drag. Maybe it’s just a personal desire for it to be symmetrical.
As for cleaning lots of ways. I like acetone but you can use mineral spirits, rubbing alcohol, or even just soap and water water. Note water or alcohol with a low percentage ie more water needs to be dried thoroughly to prevent rusting.
Most folks use a glass jar and shake it for a few seconds to get stuff cleaned up. There are other ways but note anything that adds vibration to a solvent can create lots of fumes and be both a flash fire risk and damage your lungs you should only use solvents in an open well ventilated space.
Also keep in mind solvents can damage plastic yo-yos and anno so make sure to disipate anything on the bearing before re installing it.
It’s all preference even lube vs no lube is a debate.
The videos above are great to get an idea of what you need to do before adding your own preferences and experimenting.
There’s info on bearing care and numerous other tips and tricks here:
You dont
Yup all good facts here from they ^ said i do same ■■■■■■■ above u have 10 ball concave or what brand
well i got a new yoyo and my bering turned responsive only after an hour
do I desheild my bering
I have heard somewhere that you should not leave them for more than ten minutes could ruin the bearing. Are you sure we can let them soak for like 30 minutes or more?
for stainless steel i can’t imagine what leaving the bearing in acetone would do for a period.