Best performing monometal?

Isn’t the best one always the next one you want to buy?


Maybe ill consider getting one then. I was just put off by the advertising tbh. I mean, all the other yoyos are named after big named generals and demons, and this one is just a foot soldier (dime a dozen so to speak). The advertising also implies that this isnt a premium offering, but simply just an introduction to your company (which maybe it is to an extent if your flagships are hi-end bimetals). Stupid assumption I know, but when there are so many options out there and little consensus, details like that kind of push the final decision.


Ah the “moneymoon”… the thing you just bought is always the favorite :wink:

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For spin time? What type of duration are you pulling now?

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Well, to give two comparative examples, the max spin time I got from:

  • One Drop VTWO: 11 min 10 sec
  • SF Cadence: 4 min 2 sec

These were from moderately strong breakaway throws. If there are monometals out there that will give me spin times longer than a VTWO with the same throw I gave in these tests, I’d very much like to try them.


11 min.! Incredible. Truly miraculous if it still had the flat bearing.


Was the same bearing used for both throws? If not, the results are somewhat less impressive.


Get yourself a Sengoku Masamaxx :joy:

Better yet, a C3 BTH!


Yes, I have the same type of bearing in both (a Boss Rage).


Yay for science!


Wow that’s an interesting result! And with the same bearing in both :+1:

You should try a bimetal, I expect that’d do even better than the VTWO.


And what is your longest spinning throw and what duration do you get off of it?

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I don’t really know. I haven’t summoned the motivation to time all of my yoyos.


What about testing just by allowing YoYo to fall/roll down the string to eliminate the variable of “strength of throw”?

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Maybe someone with a much more comprehensive collection than mine would like to do this for science! (Sounds like a job for @codinghorror, actually.)

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In regards to the wording of the original question, the “best performing competition-oriented monometal” is going to vary pretty heavily based on your competition trickset imo.

Spintime often doesn’t directly equate to trick or combo success rate… something like width CAN with bigger tricks but not everyone does those and increasing width past a certain point makes the concession that it will lower spin time. You’d really want to make the choice for what’s ideal based on your own style. There is no yoyo that will result in the highest trick success rate for each individual. The choice to compete with a yoyo should be based on the success rate of your combos. I think this makes finding a similar playing reviewer prior to buying important.

For my own playstyle, something like the Cadence or Ko’Edge isn’t the most optimal yoyo because I really don’t need width at all. The Valor or Sleipnir would be my vote for best performing monometal.


Hmm, I might try it if I have some time during the weekend. I have quite a few yo-yos in my collection but not that many monometals (excluding titaniums, I have a bunch of those). If enough people are interested, I can do bimetals, monometals, and titaniums. I can also try different types of bearings. Let me know. I expect the results to be pretty accurate, but to be honest, I’ve never gotten crazy spin times like @zslane in the past. The yo-yos eventually tend to tilt inward when I throw them, no matter how straight the throw, and I have to correct it, which creates unnecessary friction and kills the spin faster.


It bears mentioning that my “method” may not be considered the standard or normal way of measuring max spin time. I stopped the timer only when the yoyo stopped spinning entirely and came to a complete stop. I did not stop the timer when the yoyo merely slowed down to a point of “uselessness”.

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Sorry, I totally missed your reply. I don’t have a video showing this combo chain, but it is (now) the following:

  • Breakaway throw into The Matrix (1 iteration) to ->
  • Brother mount to ->
  • Trapeze mount to ->
  • Smiley Flow Routine* (1 iteration) to ->
  • Rewind…
  • …unwound into underside mount for backspin bind

* There is a tut video by Chad demonstrating/teaching his Flow Routine.

Back when I originally mentioned this combo chain (two weekends ago), it didn’t end with a Rewind but with a forward flip into a Double or Nothing, popped out to a Trapeze mount and then into the underside mount for the backspin bind. But I’ve since learned (though not perfected) Rewind, and I’ve been working to incorporate it into the combo chain and still pull it off with a monometal.


Not the same type.

The same bearing.