Back to the 90s and 00s

List updated 13/1/25.

I have been out of this hobby for a long time and all of these are just taking up room, doing no-one any good at all. This is not everything.

I have tried to find what represents A Good Price and haven’t been able to. So make me an offer if you feel like it. I promise not to take offence… not too much offence. I don’t need the room nor the money (especially) but these would be better off with someone who wants them. That is no longer me.

I am located in Finland. A few items can be sent together by envelope to USAia for 20€, as an example.

Detail pictures/descriptions available on request.

Yoyojam. Cracks are unfortunately part of the story.

Someone asked about the Rev G. Is everything OK ?




Bees (and an interloper).

From one extreme of Yoyofactory to another.


@Lotaxi fyi if you didn’t see this listing.


:clap:t2:let’s go!! Hell yeah

Just for the sake of clarity…

asking me “how much for… ?” isn’t going to help anyone. I don’t know or I would have posted prices up front.

Feel free to make an offer. I am not in any hurry.

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Speaking of “and also…”. Any interest in a grab bag of Henry’s ?

There are 4 x original Viper, 1 x AXYS Viper, 1 x Cobra, 2 x Viper micro diabolo internals with 8 x sets of rims for those plus 1 x Python, 1 x Coral Snake internals with 2 x sets of rims for them. Holders, diabolo arms, paperwork.

A modifier’s dream. Albeit quite an old dream.


As requested, the Grind Machine 2.

You can see the only blems towards the top front; a small loss of anodizing and some darker green patches. Higby Z-Stacks and I’ll include some boring, dull standard ones too.


Projects, both Chaz and MarkMont.


Grind Machine.

The box has taken a knock, that’s about it.


Buzz Ons. The Playa, the Pro and an example of the unlisted “and also…”: an unholy concoction of Buzz On and YoyoJam that probably represents an affront to both companies. Plays OK. Looks… odd.


You ever think you’ve discovered treasure but then have no idea what you’re actually looking at? That’s how I feel right now lol


Imagine how I feel. :grinning:

Most dudes on this page have no idea what there looking at…:rofl:

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really takes me back reading these names. i remember poring over a yoyo catalogue back in the day, for hours.

i still do that, just online now :laughing:

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Mixed nostalgia bomb.

The TBBGT (as the cool kids all called it) was my main throw for a long time and has a scuff or two. The Dark Magic is a YoyoJam of a certain vintage and has signs of some cracking around the axle as is traditional. The Pyro is a single colour so must have been made from two others. the box is numbered #1320 but there is nothing on the throw itself.


My Dopamine Receptors are telling me I need that Henry’s Kit… my wallet is telling me it will take a bus to Toledo if I dare to purchase it.


I may be interested in those

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Translucent blue X-Ray Bee and well used regular Turbo Bumble Bee. Both have their plastic boxes to go in.

If someone were to truly want a closer-to-mint TBB then splitting the all yellow and all black would be the way to go.

That is, after all, how they became all yellow and all black in the first place.


Life is like a box of Higbys…

Or two.


Nice yo-yos! One thing, there is a one “bump” per day rule in BST posts. Please try to keep to that.

Also… the two Projects you are selling are quite valuable. I’d do some research prior to accepting an offer.

Maybe post in the appraisal thread, you’ll get some good feedback.


I can only apologise for my error.

I wasn’t sure if there would be any interest in this so hadn’t pre-photographed anything. I will hold off adding more until (my) tomorrow.

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