Back to the 90s and 00s

These should be over $1k each at this point I feel


I had not. There are things here I would love to get hands on

Mighty Need


Higby is life

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@sparhawk is correct. These are worth quite a bit to the right collector

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For those who would like a closer look at the two One Drop Projects (and who wouldn’t ?)

Chaz and MarkMont.


Somebody buy these yo-yos! These are some serious gems you’re looking at, and zippy is a great guy.

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Playmaxx group request.



Interest seems to have now dwindled so all packed up ready for a return to storage.

Still available but at some point I will put an end to that. I appreciate the interest and offers - sometimes for comedy value but my point stands.

I did briefly entertain the idea of boxing up (truly) random selections of five throws and offering them at a prix fixe and let the fates decide what anyone got. But that meant that a complete stranger might receive a RevG through the post without warning and I couldn’t put anyone through that.


Well maybe only mostly dead. This group was requested so here they are. The X-Ray Bee is genuinely unopened which begs the question why did I buy it in the first place. Sitting on a light to reveal its purpley goodness.

And the two SuperYo items, as requested too. I cannot take anyone’s money for the Triple Play. It has lead a hard life so it will be thrown in as a freebie with something else. The Renegade has held up far better with its gentle green marbling.


How much for the link higby Yoyo?

I am afraid that I do not understand the question.

I have Higbyfied ProYos, Freehand Zeroes (and Hyper versions of the same
) and even a FAST 201. Also Z-stacks. And string. Also a couple of boxes.

I have a problem is what I have.

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Thanks man!:+1:t3:

Do you still have the Python?

All the Henry’s stuff is still here.

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Oh man! I want to find a renegade so bad! What’s the going rate for one? Anybody know?

I am sure if you and I put our heads together we can come up with a number.

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Oh man, how did I miss this? Am I too late?

I didn’t notice those OG Freehand Ones when I first saw this thread

you got some sick stuff, dude. I hope you sell!

There is only one first run, original design, they-broke-the-mould Freehand. The rest are the reworked Turbo Bumble Bee “Freehand 2”.

And some Higby Freehand Zeroes.

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