Any light throw fans?

I heavily prefer light throws over heavy throws. anything above 64 grams is a no go for me. people seem to like heavier throws so is it just me? (my fav throw is the shuriken senban)


I like light. There was a topic here last year and a bunch of people listed their favorite light throws. I bought a bunch of them. Favorites are the G2 GBP, Smashing Float, OP Spright, RCS Author. A couple were too light actually, but I can’t remember which. I’ve been on a bender lately and lately have been buying/throwing standard weight yo-yos (~64-67). Also, I love the Senban too! Too many yos to name a favorite though and my favorites probably have quite a bit of maker/hype etc spin on them to really be practical or helpful to anyone.

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The RCS Author is probably the lightest weight throw I’ve tried that still plays super well. Very smooth yo

For comparison, I’ve tried the YyF 44 and it’s just too uncontrollably light


I like switching. Just got done throwing my Speedaholic XX and it feels sooo floaty after getting used to the K.O.
The downside is that it has to be recovered at a higher spin speed than the heavier throws as it’s got less torque to climb the string.

I’m going by feel here though, I actually don’t know offhand what any of my yoyos weigh. I know the Speedy XX feels like a cloud and the Skyline feels like a rock.


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I really love the Ace Yo Air 2 which is my lightest normal sized unresponsive. It’s EDIT: 53g but feels lighter - like it’s a paper origami yoyo but really well weighted and very stable.


best is around 50g + -

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We started a list of full size sub 60g YoYos a while ago. There are some crazy good light YoYos out there. My favorites would have to be the float, crucible, gbp, and voyage.

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That’s the topic I was talking about… Thanks. Lots of great info and recommendations in there.

This is the way.

Too many light yo-yos will make you appreciate heavy yo-yos and heavy yo-yos help one acquire a taste for light yo-yos.

Play a 60g speedster for a week and then something extra heavy like the OG OD Downbeat will feel like discovering a fresh genre of music you didn’t know you’d love.


I like throws that weigh between 65.8 and 66.2 grams. Anything else is blasphemy!

Kidding (kinda). I like to change it up depending on my mood. For me, something light is more for when I’m chillin and a heavy throw is better suited for learning or working on new stuff, generally speaking. There are exceptions.

Also, the weight doesn’t necessarily determine how it feels. I’ve thrown lightweight yo-yos that felt heavy and heavy throws that felt light.


i tried that with using the unprld reduction after a week of using the senban, hated it. still did not like the reduction. ( the only unprld throw i dont like)

What’s the Reduction weigh? Could be just a weight distribution thing. I wouldnt give up on everything over 64g.

66.1 grams

Voyage is still a favorite throw. Suuuuper light.


Try out the orbital gtx​:ok_hand::ok_hand: sharp rims is the only downside but great light throw


@Artem has a Scales Float for sale in the BST forum if anyone’s interested.


I saw this on the list. I usually have the caps and weight rings on it.
I spend the afternoon throwing in like this. It is really fun. It may be my new favorite. Definitely have me on the lookout for other light yoyos.


Got a new one for the list. New bettynova. Sans caps.


Also a fan of lighter yo-yos. 64g is about as high as we go for releases (sans the rerun of the Sistines). 62-64g is my personal sweet spot.

You mean 53g?

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