Also, Gator is the one knife I constantly say I need but then never get. Gator and any knife with the triad lock. They always elude me.
Thanks for the recommendations @Pun1sh3R! Both of these look great.
Assuming this was towards me @Simyo I really appreciate the offer, its extremely generous of you, but I have an old multitool that will work fine. More looking for a robust knife for simple camping and general edc.
@JSERR that sounds fantastic PM sent!
I think demko is releasing the ad10 with the shark lock.
I can dig it man, the gator is a great option.
Ad10 with a shark lock sounds epic! I’ve wanted to try a shark lock since they came out. Demko knows how to make a stupid strong mechanism.
I have a 20.5 and the lock is great and fidgety like most bar locks. But it’s surprisingly comfortable in the hand and acts as a thumb ramp and easy to use.
My spoon carving kit. My Instagram is full of spoon carvers, I can spend all day watching them. Really want a Kalthoff carving axe.
I’m still trying to justify the Swiss backpack axe I want. So I’m making do with a sthil. It was only 26 bucks.
A Gransfors Bruks splitting axe is another I’d like to own one day. Must be some primitive desire in us to own knives and axes, but interesting that not everyone has it.
I do love books.
My grandfather carried this every day for as long as I can remember, I can only guess how old it might be. This is a Case pocket worn stockman made the hard way, by carrying it for many decades.
Check the tang stamp. Might give you a clue as to how old it is in a general sense. Gotta love Case.
Better yet, share the tang stamp with us.
Was going to say the same. All the blades. I’ve got a number of pocket knives from my grandfather as well. So cool that we can own something and keep passing it down like that.
I have my great grandfather’s. I’ll remember to take a pic at home!
I mean, I would love to know and see so please share! Yes!
In the spirit of old knives, my great grandfathers Kabar beneath my fairly recent Case. I think he used it once or twice in his life, but idk. Looks pretty mint.
(Ps, don’t mind the awful picture. It’s raining so indoor pics it is)
This is my Great Grandfathers Razor.
He passed away in 1953. My Grandmother saved it through her life. I was gifted it in 2021. As you can see after almost 70 years it was in poor shape.
I ended up restoring it.
It is a pleasure to shave with a piece of family history.
Oh you did a good job on that! What a beauty! I also shave with my great grandfathers razor, though his is a 40’s Gillette. Something about a straight razor though, just so nice.