Yeah, GEC makes a button with each knife. It’s got the model number on the top. This past weekend was the GEC Rendezvous, a convention would be the easiest way to describe it. 2 days at the factory. They have knives for sale, people hanging out. They also set up a small flea market, but the catch is the tables are empty and they’re for anyone to use for free. Then on Saturday they have a big picnic. I haven’t gotten to go yet, hoping I will be able to eventually. It’s a really cool company
This was a grail for a long time, they made another batch early this year/late last year. A Northwoods Heritage Jack. Northwoods is made by GEC for KnivesShipFree. It was the craziest drop I’ve ever tried to get. I was checked out in about 10 seconds and all 500 were sold out. Northwoods includes a leather slip and a copper coin.
Stunning! I’m actually gunning for a spear point. There’s a couple on the page right now but I’m not ready to pull the trigger on some of the prices just yet.
I wanted the OD Green Heritage Jack for a long time, still do. But can’t bring myself to spend the $300+ on it. My black Heritage Jack was just over $100 new. The Northwoods jump drastically on the secondary, much more than “standard” GEC. I love this knife.
The secondary is insane. Back when I had GEC I put my crown lifter up for auction. The blade had patina, had been sharpened, had some slop and the pin was visible, a small chip in the ebony handles and I still made out plus 50 bucks. I was gonna be happy with just 50 bucks to recoup.
Thankfully, I missed that. I don’t know if I could have handled traveling to PA twice in a month . They had the rendezvous the same time as blade show?
Yeah. I think The Rendezvous and Blade Show crowds are a little different so don’t think too many had to choose which they were going to attend.
Hmmm. New yoyo or new whittling pocket knife. Making adult decisions is hard.
It’s a constant struggle for me too😂
That is my concern just getting into this. $32 for a starter knife, similar to a starter yoyo.
Just started my first project. If this keeps up, I am scared where it may go… My yoyo wall is a prime example.
Ease into it gently. You’ll have a block and chain in no time
I really need to make some spoons.
Anyone have recommendations for a budget camping edc? Looking for a folding blade. Ideally <$100. Also any general brand recommendations? Benchmade stuff looks good but its a little out of my price range right now. Probably pick one up somewhere down the road though.
The Gerber Gator is a great all arounder about $50.00.
Pair this with a Morakniv Bushcraft and you will be set for a while. Also around $50.00.
Should be right around your $100 mark for both.
Mora is hard to beat for a camping edc. I love my eldris. It’s a tiny little fella. but some models run very inexpensive and are still quality knives. And nothing beats a scandi grind imo
Cough, cough 162 cough, cough
BE CAREFUL. Knives are just like yo-yos. They start out 20 bucks but they spiral out of control from there.
I mean I can sell you a Bugout but idk if I’d take it camping. Fabulous piece though. Slim and light.
If a Swiss Army knife will get you started I can get you set up with a camper or climber just cover shipping.
I knew I clicked on the wrong reply arrow lol. I’m still getting used to the new reply bubble.
I mean, it’s an older Bugout, it’s been sharpened and the handles are dyed (it was before they made a black Bugout so it has blue handles dyed black). I can let it go cheap if @kksimon wants a crack at Benchmade. They’re my favorite modern folders. Only reason I’d sell is because I have a mini Adamas and I use that more.