Any knife guys?

I think it was my brother @yoyojoe that traded that 10 inch to you.

Love kitchen knives myself. I’ve got an Alex Horn 7 inch chef that I really enjoy along with a few others.

I’ve been very interested in the new magnacut chef knives being made these days. Crazy edge retention and durability with top tier corrosion resistance.

There’s so many western makers these days I want to try.

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Nothing crazy or expensive aside from the Leatherman, the Gerber Paraframe was my first stand alone knife and the Kershaw Cryo being my latest.


My Benchmade:

My SAK Pioneer X (EDC):


Just got my first decent edc. SOG flash AT


My Wife got me this as a gift a few years ago. Not really sure what it is but it looks cool.

The Gerber is my EDC


Love these in the corner.

Whats the make/model?


Finally got a pic of my nice ones. All stainless currently

8 inch Kramer in fc61

7 inch Alex Horn in aebl

Kobayashi kei nakiri in r2

Yu Kurosaki Santoku in SG2

Town cutler paring in nitrov


Thanks i appreciate that, yeah these are 2 of my favorites, real Damascus blade with v10 core, the wood handle is extremely beautiful and feels very high quality…the same goes for the forged carbon handle too it looks absolutely badass and has a very high quality feel to it too, the overal feel of it open and in hand is next level and might be the best between all my knives, the action is super smooth and feel great opening it too, not a single compaint with these knives, wasnt a fan of the sheath that looks like it was made by kids in a facory


I think those are Hawk knives. Much, much more expensive than Microtechs and very hard to acquire.


I like these little guys. Microtech UTX-70, nice little discreet EDC.


Recently spruced up a couple of my Manix 2s.

This first one was originally blue CPMS110V. I Made some new glow scales for it and added on a brass ball cage from flytanium. I absolutely love the aesthetics. The only thing that’s missing is a bronze(y) / brass stubby clip. Thinking of maybe dropping in one of the Lynch NW stubby’s.

For my Manix 2 XL, I added a green anodized Flytanium ballcage and 3D printed color changing back spacer. At first I wasn’t feeling the gimping on the back spacer but it’s growing on me. I might still do a flat one just for fun to switch it up. Currently working on some scales to complement the green accents.

This is knife related but also 3d printing related. I modeled and made a holder for the KPL bottles. I kept knocking mine over in my EDC drawer so, I needed a solution. Luckily the “Gridfinity” system exists. I implemented this system into my drawer and have it all organized now by a grid system. The KPL holder fits within that system but can be used as a standalone holder as well. If you’d like to download it, you can get it here


I don’t collect knives but I do feel that an EDC becomes handy so often that I feel naked without one. I’ve carried this Kershaw on me for quite a number of years.


I’ve sold most of these but these knives were some of my favorites


Ah selling. It’s the worst sometimes. I sold a Warren Osbourne original back in my day. Handmade by the man himself. I’ll never have that chance again.

My collection is withered down to knives that were gifts or too cheap to sell and a couple of regulars, a carbon fiber mini Adamas and a kickstop Chaves 229.


Completely agree

I’ve kept a Bug out and two customs but the rest are gone. I really miss my Gareth Bull front flipper but I’m not getting back into that hobby anytime soon

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I have a balisong if that counts. I’m not very good at it tho


My Edc


What’s this one?

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