Socom Delta by Marifone customs. This one’s from those guys that make all those microtech out the front knives you see everywhere. Ever see John wick? He uses microtech knives.
Very cool knife, I’ve heard of microtech, haven’t owned one though lol
Why do people carry non-balisong knives? Like is it for utility or defense or just cool to look at
I don’t carry balisong because it’s really totally illegal in California. Benchmade used to be In downtown Los angles until the trouble started.
Are they legal in Pennsylvania
They seem to be legal, I know autos have only become legal in the last few years there. I’m in New York and autos are illegal. I don’t carry them for self defense, more utilitarian more than anything.
A bit of all of the above I guess, I usually always have a knife on me. It’s a tool. You’d be surprised how much a regular pocket knife can come in handy
Edit: if I have one on me for defensive purposes it’s for wildlife, I run into coyotes more than I’d like.
A knife is an exceptionally handy tool to have on you. I find a use for mine nearly every single day. I never view it as a weapon. I always heard you don’t bring knives to gunfights. With so many people carrying firearms, and the news showing an ever increasing amount of idiocy involved their usage, I find that the mind… is your most formidable weapon. This is only me, and in no way is this meant to say this is the only way.
For me a knife is a cutting tool that I carry daily.
While they “Can” be used as a weapon, I always go back to my Close Quarter Combat Training.
- Never get in a Knife fight.
- Never get in a Knife fight.
- If you get in a Knife fight you Will be Cut/Stabbed. If your Lucky you will live, and be in the Hospital for a long time.
Looking at the scars this guy had on his arms, I believe this statement came from experience.
This is my knife. Like @Pun1sh3R said it’s a tool
I love me some kershaw. I don’t need $300 dollar knives. I mean, I’d take one if it was offered, ya know, but kershaw does everything I need it to (cut, that’s all, just cut).
Those scales are sweet! Did you do that? It looks custom. I don’t keep up on knife news anymore really. Was there a release with the cool riveted panel look? Also, what model? I thought leek maybe but now I’m not so sure.
This is and has been my daily carry for probably going on 10 years now
The spring on my scissors broke a year or two ago. I need to send it in to get fixed but I’m wondering what I will do for those several weeks without it.
I used to carry a folder too, ya know, redundancies. I couldn’t fit enough yo-yos in my pocket though so I had to consolidate. I guess I always have my spyderco bug (?, I can’t remember now. Maybe, grasshopper?) in my wallet survival kit.
This is how it came.
Kershaw 1720 galyean
Yes. Yes you will. Maybe. Be prepared.
Can you tell New Mexico that it’s a tool? Because we seem to have the loosest and most restrictive laws regarding something I use to dig out gunk from under my nails.
Absolutely. But that is a whole other conversation.
I would assume anyone intending on this situation would have a Trauma IFAK with them.
Heck, everyone should have a basic IFAK near by.
My word barley has weight here. You think Knucleheads in New Mexico would listen?