Hell Yeah.
I have 4 different kits in the truck.
- Industrial Kit for Work
- My Outdoor Kit
- Full Trauma Kit (Chest Seal, etc.)
- Standard (Kids Owies)
There is a kit everwhere, Garage, Trailer, Wifes Car, House…
Some tough guys… here on the yo-yo forum.
I’m soft and squishy. I ain’t running in to a fight. I do have some knifes though that get used and abused.
As I find them roaming about I take a picture but non of them are fancy and they all get pretty beat up. The black thing was a gift at my wedding and the grey one my dad found on the side of the road while he was parked in his sleeper back in the 90s.
Idk if anyone is into whittling here, but a few years ago I went down a speciality whittling knife hole. I’ve been wanting a Helvie knife for a while now but never was able to get my hands on one.
I got on a big dockyard tools kick. It’s what my closest Woodcraft store carried. They’re pretty wonderful little tools. That was the fanciest I really ever got. And I have a whole butt ton of flex cuts. A helvie would be sick. Myy whittling kit was getting pretty big before I became a dad and time disappeared. Yo-yos are a great dad hobby cuz I can yoyo and parent pretty effectively. Carving takes a-whole-nother level of focus that makes keeping children alive almost impossible. They’ll be able to keep themselves alive soon enough though.
Never heard of Dockyard before but I just looked them up and now I want some lol. I ended up balling out way too hard on Pinewood Forge whittling knives. Have a few OCC ones too.
My intention was to go camping and whittle by the river all day between catching fish.
Because you are woefully unprepared for unforeseen circumstances without at least the most basic tool. I EDC a flashlight, knife, leatherman, m1, and a pistol. I have solved countless problems with the first three and avoided a couple of serious problems with the last one.
Relatives in Vegas were amazed at me being able to fix things with just what I had on my person.
I had a coworker who would whittle in the office then vacuum up his mess at the end of the day or if customers where inbound.
Always fascinated me he would just take a break and whittle a bit then back to sorting through GPOs or something
Hahah that’s awesome. Man I would be so down to take whittling breaks at work.
Dockyard’s micro tools are excellent for caricature carving, or any fine detail, I’m sure. If you look through my early instagram, you can see exactly when I got my first set, because I immediately got better once I finally had some proper tools.
I’m saving my pennies for a case Damascus sea horse whitler.
Anything in the kitchen doesn’t stand a chance.
I have an old German made Bulldog brand seahorse whittler that I love and I keep putting off getting a case one.
If I only hadn’t seen the Damascus first. Ignorance would be bliss and for 80$ I’d have one probably in g10.
Woah, woah, woah! This is a thing?!? Great, didn’t need another knife in my head ( runs to find photos of this knife).
edit: found it. Want it. Thanks Grendel
Isnt that the dream.
My first whittling knife was a GEC Pocket Carver. Kind of just a cheaper Damascus sea horse. The Damascus looks much nicer though.
Case Seahorse; best production whittler.