A bit of banal pettifoggery

Good man. :smiley:

you did darn that’s what I get from skim reading bad me… just kidding :smiley:

My friend Jasper is a footie onesie guy, but i’m not really into those.

Oh no not that oh yeah and i Yoyo with a watch on it does not irritate me unless I’m doing kwijibo

wouldn’t those things be a hassle if you had to get up in the middle of the night and… you know.

They have a flap in the back

well that’s helpful. some.

We sure have wandered a long way from the irritation of shirt cuffs. That’s okay.

Yea I was thinking the same thang

But what happens with the flap when in dangles in the bowl? Does it dip in the poo water? That is gross.

for optimal playing ability, throw nekkid

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I agree completely.

I thought Totalartist was kinda going there…thought I’d just let it be…dear lord, let it be.

Banjo, you are my new best friend. throws confetti at you

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i wear thick clothes in order to avoid hurt from arm tricks. I can’t do any combo without gloves.

St. Peter at the Pearly Gates: “So how did you die?”

Yoyoer: "Um, well I have this thing about yoyoing in long sleeves, and anyway, I broke the shower door with my yoyo, slipped and fell without any protective clothing.

St. Peter: “Yoyoing in the buff?”

Yoyoer: “Well, yeah.”

St. Peter: “NEXT!”


No worries!

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I am going to very, very much disagree with this. Without going into too much detail, a yoyo spinning that fast can burn unprotected skin, specifically thinner and more delicate skin. Don’t ask me how I know.


I second this.

It’s one thing when Elephark uses his epic beard for some tricks.

Other portions of the body should be protected and/or covered up when yoyo’ing!

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:D. Well you guys have additional worries I guess. Didn’t consider that part. But for me… GREAT! Someone mentioned the pajamas having a flap in the back…Lexos, now that’s old school. I also wondered how that flap wouldn’t end up in the bowl…yikes! :frowning:

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I fully expected this thread to get 3 or 4 replies and expire quietly abandoned in a corner. Instead it’s going on into it’s second day and it has taken on a life of it’s own. And it’s a strange life at that. Strange indeed.

It has been very faithful in one aspect however, it remains total pettifoggery.

Down with shirt cuffs and potty flaps!

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