These are the ones I got. Not sure if they compete with the linked ones, but they turn well/smooth.
I’m working on a drinking based cube conrets butt it’s glow slowing.
@kevinm I was on the fence about giving this second try after having no joy many years ago. BUT, the videos and this thread were pretty compelling, so I’m going at it. I know my brain, and instead of going all the way through, I’ve been working on each step until I have it down and relatively fast before moving on to the next. Thanks to @Pankace04 for the recommendations.
I had a Rubik’s Cube back around 1981 and learned from another kid how to solve it, but then put it away and didn’t pay attention to cubing for a good three decades. Then I got curious about it again several years back and picked up a couple asian cubes and a Rubik’s DIY cube, re-learned how to solve it, and then put it away again.
I’m thinking of getting a Valk 3 Elite M, just to have a “luxury model” in my collection. And maybe I’ll re-learn how to solve it again. Something about this puzzle toy keeps catching my attention.
UPDATE: So I picked up one of @Pankace04 Josiah’s suggestions, the MoFang JiaoShi MF3RS3 M. (The last cube I had was around 1980, so I was also about 40 years cube free, and I frustratingly never got anywhere with that first cube.) Instead of trying to learn it all in one go, I knew I would do better in sections. So, I watched a couple of the beginner method videos and would only add the next step once I had everything polished up to that point. Sometimes I didn’t look up the next step for a week or more, but I kept doing what I knew each day, getting faster and faster with that. Up until a few days ago I was up to the bottom 2/3 solved plus a top mixed cross.
Finally, after a few weeks of not checking, I looked up the next step. My recollection was that these last steps were more complex than everything else, but that impression must have been due to a different video. J Perm’s beginner tutorial video was simple enough that instead of just adding one step, I watched and was able to do the rest. I CAN NOW SOLVE A 3X3 CUBE, YAY!!!
I just wanted to thank everyone in this thread, this is so satisfying.
Just yesterday my wife asked me to teach her. I ordered the recommended Kylin V2 M, mostly so we could try something different.
I was a speed Cuber before I became a yo-yoer… I averaged 16 seconds. I still have all my cubes. I have all wca puzzles except 6 and 7. Megaminx was my favorite event.
What solve do you do? (For 3x3)
ZZ. I also use ZZ for megaminx and 4x4.
That first solve is so satisfying, isn’t it?
I’m currently transitioning from beginner method to CFOP, myself. I made a Cross training cube out of a cheap $5 cube and am trying to work on the whole 8-moves-or-less cross solving process. I have “intuitive F2L” down pat at this point, but am unsure whether to focus on F2L efficiency or two-look OLL next (I already have the first “look” of OLL down, along with the “beginner PLL” algs like U, H, A, and E perms). I still don’t really have any finger tricks embedded into muscle memory yet.
Because of all of the above, my solve times are probably somewhere around the 2 minute mark, though to be honest I haven’t timed myself yet.
Most of your speed improvement will be from F2L since that should be about half of your solve time alone but I would just complete learning all the 2LOLL algs now just to get it out of the way.
For good finger tricks, JPerm has a video on his finger tricks for full PLL. You can check that out and just skip to the 2LPLLs
Cool! How do you like it? I do cfob and am just learning roux.
I love it. I know all 4 main methods, petrus cfop zz and roux and I’ve made my own method (it’s not very good though).
Which perms constitute the 2-look PLL set?
In effect, I am already doing PLL in two stages using U perm and A perm, with the occasional E, H, or Z perm when those cases come up.
@zslane @MattB good job guys keep going! @JWaugh and i have been racing recently and it is a ton of fun, i encourage you guys to get sub 1 (minute) and get consistent times!
So I’m having trouble with the last step in roux, at the end there are either two or four wrong edges, not three. How do I fix this?
you do Roux?
Just learning, used it twice already!
I finally pb’d 45 seconds this lit
I magnetized a gan 356rs and it work beautifully
nice dude! magnetizing cubes intimidates me lol.