40 years cube free

Dude I have been grinding Roux for 3 weeks now, I am now at 39 avg


Ive done a few roux solves, its pretty cool ngl.

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I need help with this^^


This is as best as i can do

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That’s what I’m watching.

Do m’ u2 m u2 then you can see the 3 cycle if you have the two opposite corner edges , but if they are on opposite sides of the cube

the opposite corner edges only

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But im honestly not sure

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Sorry for the late reply. For 4 misplaced edges, you can do M2 U2 M2 when there is an opposite swap on both sides, just make sure both opposite swaps are line up in the middle. For 2 swapped edges something is either not right or your pieces are swapped unless I’m stupid. I haven’t done a roux solve in a while so sorry.


I keep getting stuck at 3 cycle


Okay, so I never thought I’d see a cube puzzle that cost more than a titanium yoyo, but here’s one with an impressive price tag:


Throw pvc coat and magnetize it for a good 1000 bucks

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Very true!

Of course, both of those treatments would be pointless on a puzzle that can’t be turned quickly to begin with.

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If you ever buy a 17x17 by the yuxin one. It’s a bajillion times better and cheaper. Just a heads up

My mains:


How’s the progress going?

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Well, I haven’t started timing myself yet, but I’m guessing my average is around 45-60s. My F2L is still pretty slow, mostly due to the time it takes me to find each pair and decide which moves to use. I’m told this will improve over time, and that doing solves is the best way to get better at it at my stage. I have 4LLL down pretty good though.

I have also taken the time to learn to solve a 5x5 using Redux + Freeslice. Pretty easy, but it takes concentration in order to not mess something up.


There is nothing “lame stream” about cubing lol
Cubing is great, and its always great to have another addition to the community! I suggest you buy a cheap speedcube, some of them go for as low as $4 which is nice

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hahahahahahahaha, imagine having bought a Gans after the original Air 356, could not be me

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Try cubing to a metronome and speeding it up, it should help also get a timer with an f2l trainer, that should help you get your time rather quick through repeated practice. Once it gets in your head, you’re cursed with the knowledge

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