
Uhhhhhh, yeah, this is a place to talk about speedcubing… on a yoyo forum…


First off, what are your mains?
Mine is the Cubicle Custom Yuxin HuangLong M


Cyclone Boys 3x3 off of Amazon lolololol it was a gift, if I had the choice I would’ve bought from a cubing retailer to keep the money in the hobby.

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Gan 356x

What are your averages?

Also does anyone do cubes other than 3x3


Im still rocking my dayan zhanchi for 3x3 and a fangshi xingyu for 2x2

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GAN356 Air SM and GTS2M are my mains.

My PB is around ~ 60; I’m hella slow. Still slowly figuring it out.

These are my favorite cubes though:


You could literally give me 10 hours and I don’t know if I’d ever solve a Rubix cube.

Is there some type of method to it that one could learn, or are you all just way smarter than me?

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100% will not be able to learn it on your own. There’s a method to it, a few videos on youtube. It took me about 2-3 hours to learn to solve it and about 5-10 before I could do it consistently without help(notes) or screwing up a lot.

I’m not sure what’s the easiest tutorial to learn from and this isn’t the one that I used to learn but I really like his intermediate-advanced stuff a lot more than everyone else so his beginner’s tutorial is probably pretty good.


That’s awesome to hear man, that makes me feel better about not understanding those things :ok_hand:

I might get one and try and figure it out if videos can help teach it. Is a Walmart cube good enough to start that?


As long as it turns you can solve it! Most high end speed cubes are Chinese so in most cases you can get them cheaper or for the same cost of a rubix brand one


I tryed speedcubing for a month i can solve a cube in 3 minutes at the most my lowest time is 2:28 but my cube broke but soon I’m going to get another one

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This chat died quicker than I thought. Anyways, just to update, (because I can.) i now main a boron treated valk 3 power m and my pb is 15 I’ve been to two comps and I’m going to a third one on August 10 at SpeedCubeShop. Soooo, yeah


@andy569 did you get the GAN X yet?

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Yeah I got it. I wanna get the Gan 356i but that’s gonna be like $100 I think :joy: a smart cube that will track your rotations, save your solves, etc. and online race sounds super cool though

I stopped practicing cubing probably in May and started focusing on yoyo more again so my PB and averages have pretty much been the same. PB single is 15.5 and ao100 is 25. I was really closing in on a global sub 25 average but now that I’m kind of out of practice it’s probably more like 28ish since I’ve kind of forgotten 1L PLL algs so I’ve went back to 4LL for the most part.

I think once I get around to it my priority is more to get comfortable with 4x4-7x7 than to hit sub 20 on 3x3. I want to get around to it eventually but I’m satisfied enough with sub 30 for now.


I’m looking at the GAN Infinity. Its the same price as the X but it’s cool I’ll post the link so you can see what it is about

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I was considering the Infinity because I like that it’s a smaller size but the X is more customizable so I went with that. I wouldn’t want to spend money on both cuz it’s not really necessary but the 356i would be completely different so it might be worth it


What? The x is more customizable? Are you sure we are looking at the same infinity

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The Infinity doesn’t come with interchangeable magnets

I don’t remember if it comes with different springs or not

The Infinity is more customizable in terms of colors though so yeah

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You can choose the magnet strength from the start. It may not be interschangable, but at least it gives you the choice

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