What do you mean?
Oh, just the muscle memory of repeated f2l pair algs over and over and over again,
I’ve been cubing for over 6 years now, and I took a pretty long break this year but all the algs are still drilled in haha. I can’t tell you how to do them but my fingers just know.
I started april fools of this year, here are the stats
Main 3x3: Gan 356RS (magnetized)
Best ao5: 28.34 (got that today)
Best single: 23.36
Overall, its going pretty well, almost leared full pll through quarantine, well worth the time and i had something to do other than yoyo. 9/10 overall
Try learning your OLL cases along the way. They are often a lot simpler than you’d expect. Most of them are probably algs you already know with a few set up moves.
There’s no such thing as a “speed” cube above 9x9. The main reason it takes 6 hours to solve these monsters is the sheer effort it takes to make a single turn.
Dont forget the looming threat/impending doom over you of a huge pop crumbling your nice 15x15 if it isnt aligned
I love the idea of the WCA having official events for puzzles representing each of the five platonic solids. We already have events for the tetrahedron (Pyraminx), cubes (too many if you ask me), and the dodecahedron (Megaminx). Next we need to convince the WCA to get rid of Clock and replace it with FTO. Then, maybe down the road we can convince them to get rid of foot solving and add the Icosaix in its place.
I have a LanLan FTO mostly for the novelty of it and because I’m trying to collect all the platonic solids. It looks fun to solve, but I wish there was better, more modern FTO hardware available. Unfortunately, I don’t think that will happen until it becomes a WCA event and manufacturers see a large enough market for it.
Feet was removed months back if I recall correctly
Was anything added to replace it?
Okay, well then I see a slot open and just waiting to be filled by the FTO!
Ya it got removed at the first day of the year. I don’t think they were planning on replacing it with anything though.
I watched ‘The Speed Cubers’ on Netflix last night. Good stuff.
I should dust my cube off. I was never fast, usually take a few minutes to solve, but still fun.
The other really good cubing documentary is Why We Cube, which is narrated by Feliks.
Me and a guy at work years ago used to time each other. I was consistently under a minute but don’t recall exact times. No Idea where my cubes are now. Looking at amazon there are so many “speed” cubes its overwhelming. I would probably spend some time getting back into it but not sure which one is good and inexpensive. I also don’t care so mich for the stickerless cubes. Something about the stickers that feels right.
I’ve switched over to stickerless for the most part because the faces are more durable and the colors tend to be brighter and more vibrant than stickered, especially when it comes to the blue faces (but red too usually).The stickered cube shown in the photo I posted earlier had to be special ordered with “flourescent” sticker colors in order to get all the faces to be as bright and colorful as the stickerless one beside it.
For anyone looking for an excellent budget-friendly speedcube and who isn’t averse to stickerless, I highly recommend the (new) MoYo MeiLong 3M, more formally known as the MoFang JiaoShi MeiLong Magnetic 3x3. It performs just as good as any cube three times its price. It’s good enough to win competitions, IMO. What it lacks, at that price point, are fancy tension and magnet adjustment systems. But it is so good right out of the box, I don’t see much of a need for that, especially for beginners (or people returning to cubing after a long absence) who don’t have highly specific tension and magnet preferences (yet).
I 2nd the Meilong. I get about the same times with it as I do with my flagships
Is this the same. Amazon is same price maybe a touch cheaper consider free shipping and here tomorrow.
Yep, that’s the one.