40 years cube free

Well looks like tomorrow I’ll be cubing as well.


My current method is “Beginner CFOP”, which is to say my F2L is intuitive and pretty slow, I haven’t mastered many fingertricks, and both OLL and PLL are 2-look at the moment. I am following this plan, as advised by someone on the SpeedSolving forums:

Notice that more esoteric things like color neutrality and pseudo-slotting aren’t even mentioned. I think the implication is that those skills are really only necessary when you’re aiming to be sub-10 and attempts to optimize anywhere else are yielding diminishing returns.


Lucas Etter is a sub-7 solver and only uses white cross so color neutrality is definitely not necessary. Will probably only improve your overall solve times by like a few percent.

With that said though I think it’s still neat to know so if that’s something you ever want to learn, I would suggest starting now as the faster you get, the longer it will take to become color neutral. I regret not learning it when I started out.

Advanced pseudo slotting and additional last layer alg sets are probably not necessary until sub-9. I know a lot of people are sub 10 with just good efficient F2L and 2LLL

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