whoa, @Pankace04 you know your stuff.
this is the 2x2 i use. right out of the box, it needs lube.
i was gonna link this:
but it seems TheCubicle discontinued it.
anyone here enjoy 5x5?
maybe in another 40 years…
I only have a $3 4x4 from amazon lol but its a good little cube
Was at Rite Aid earlier (out of stock on hand sanitizer, was hoping to get a single small bottle for at work) and stumbled on a Rubik’s Snake. While it may not have a direct solution it is mind boggling to get it into different shapes.
Will be a good desktop fidget gadget.
Snakes really are a ton of fun. my brother has a wooden one, but it’s solved state is a 3x3 cube.
After finding a huge number of videos on solutions he is the one I settled on. Easy to understand.
and he’s a wicked good cuber, and at times he’s pretty funny.
@kevinm this is my 5x5:
@WretchedRapture here’s my whole colection:
one or two of the cubes in the last pic are my brothers, and the mirror cube is my brothers
Nice collection! I want to scramble them.
How do you even twist the middle one in the last picture?
Dutch blitz,
i’ve had Dutch Blitz since i was 13, and haven’t played it once, lol.
the one that kinda looks like a + symbol?
The one next to the tiny one.
dutch blitz is the best!!!