Duncan makes a cube…so the idea of yye selling cubes isn’t too far fetched!
I have one and my fastest time is 58 seconds
lol I’ll have to do an actual count to see how I fair against that
go for it.
2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, Pyramix, whatever… I’ll take it. But hand me a shapeshifting cube, and I’m done for. lol. I rely far too much on muscle memory - as soon as a cube makes me slow down, I have no idea what I’m doing.
Wow that’s got to be a lot of time cubing, I am at exactly the opposite end of the
spectrum. If I go too fast everything blows up and I have to start over. Sometimes I have to close my eyes or look away and just slowly do the algorithm for the step I am on.
It is real easy to mess up the top corners if I am not really focused on it!
I’m dating myself here, but I too remember when the original came out. I was a whiz at it, and was accused of cheating. Another kid accused me of taking the squares off and gluing them back on, so I had to prove myself. This became a theme in my life at the time, J can solve the rubik’s cube. Prove it. I started competing with myself on how fast I could do it, as no one else I knew could, not because I was all that and a bag of chips, just because the kids I knew had no interest in that sort of challenge. It’s all about algorithms, and I was the lone math geek amongst my friends. Fast forward to a couple of years ago, and I discovered speed cubing. These things are AmAziNgLy smooth compared to what I used in my childhood. I got back into it for a very short period of time, but it didn’t really stick this time, prolly because I had already done my own speed tests back in the day. Loads of fun, great for the brain, highly recommend to my fellow geeks who haven’t experienced them yet. Enjoy!
Sure, but did you learn the flam paradiddle? To this day, I still hear paradiddle paradiddle flam flam in my head whenever I see a practice pad.
Don’t feel bad - I actually see my reliance on muscle memory as a bad thing! If I had a better understanding of how some of my algorithms actually worked, I think I would definitely be a better cuber for it.
I got a cube decades ago. I was positive I would be able to solve it.
Days later I just decided to throw it in the junk pile.
But then I had a brainstorm to solve the cube in less than 5 minutes!
I simply stared at the cube ‘for the answer’.
I was amazed at how easy the solution was.
I simply peeled off the little colored stickers and put them all on the appropriate sides.
I hit mine with a hammer lol
@yoyodoc @quinton this is the reason why we need a 7068 aluminum cube with the colors anodized. It would sell out instantly on YYE!
I picked up YoYo about 6 years ago - still not very good at all… but I mess around from time to time.
I also had wanted to learn to solve a cube since I was a kid in the 80’s… so I picked up a speed cube in 2018 and learned the beginners method… I now have three (Two GAN and one MoYu WeiLong GTS2) and I try to do a few solves a week at least… When I’m in practice I can solve in under 2 minutes (again - beginners method - I’m too stinkin old to learn CFOP)… Its too fun!
As for me and the spark of interest to try out the cube…I had always seen the Rubik’s brand at the stores and figured it might be fun to try it. One day on a whim when Toys R Us was on its last legs, I went in and decided to pull the trigger on the standard 3x3. I scrambled it and couldn’t figure it out beyond the white cross and the corners. I saw that there was the 2x2 which I actually learned how to solve first, and then came back to that 3x3 when I finally did learn it by memory (a good year or so later).
Over the holiday I decided to pull the trigger on one of the gift box set of cubes, 2 of them were “speed cube” versions of the 2x2 and 3x3 (lot smoother turning than the Rubik’s brand), a pyraminx, “fisher cube” (the 3x3 that’s cut at a 45), megaminx, and ivy cube. I also have a “super floppy cube” which is a 1x3.
I just bought my first cube and it comes tomorrow. I used to be very interested in Rubik’s cubes when I was younger but yoyo was the main hobby, but now I can have more than one hobby without taking up too much time from school stuff.
No Bozos!
but it’s not fun if your not blowing off school.
No Bozos… and yet; here you are🙀
Hey for anyone (especially op) who wants to start cubing, these are brilliant starting cubes. I’ll post links here to my favorite shop but you can get them on Amazon as well. Remember to get stickerless
If they’re sold out just grab them at Amazon
Edit: the MF3RS3 M is the best, and the Kylin and Yulong are tied. The RS3 M is more expensive though. Kylin is more controllable and stable, Yulong is faster. All of these are magnetized.