2A 2torials - 2A tutorials and advice

As we roll into April what are some tutorials or advice you found helpful in looping and in learning to use two loopy yo-yos.

This could be anything from beginner to more advanced and everything in between.

Dazzling Dave comes to mind for me.


Repost :rofl:


I want to get another pair of loopers currently using magic yoyo ghz
I can get yyf 360 / 720 / yomega raiders
Which would have less maintence?
I have thick lube and loads of normal string is there anything else i may need?

What is your current maintenance like?

The 720 has been my most reliable looper. Highly recommend. No real tweaking needs just pick your spacer colors and go. I lube it every 3rd or 4th string change, but I do that with all my loopers.

I would not recommend Raiders if low maintenance is your goal. They take a tricky to execute mod to get set up correctly.

Currently 0 maintence done im getting 10 maybe 20 mins a day practise and my ghz are still nice and responsive and only had to swap strings when i got a knot.
Should i swap both strings at same time or doesnt it matter?
Im only at starting stage in 2a mainly getting my non dom hand used to forward pass and 1 loop

How often you change strings is up to you. I basically change the string every time I play a pair and I usually play the pair for the whole day, but I have a deep rotation of pairs.

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I did a very not good search so good to know. I imagine this’ll get merged by @jhb8426 at some point

I’m offended you didn’t call it 2A 2torials, but it’s okay. I’ll heal…

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Well we can fix that easy

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I am whole once again. Thank you :relieved:

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Nah, it’s just fine.

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Cool just gonna keep hyping 2april till it’s a thing. Wether folks want it or not :wink:

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We at YYBC asked Dazling Dave to do a part 2 of his how to loop video for 2April. I think some of these tips are solid for continuing into simple tricks after getting a bit consistent with looping.


2April coming this Monday the 8th

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