As a newbie who is not yet a source good information on yoyo’s I don’t have any qualifiable input. But I have to jump in and say that I would get a lot out of this. It would be a good source of information for my YouTube searches.
Wow, thank you, buddy! I am honored…
@Yo_maxwell_house some ideas here for you, buddy
I can’t really contribute very much to this thread:
Favourite monometal of the year: Probably the sugar glider, I scored one cheap from ebay but stripped the axle after a short time which I was gutted about.
I didn’t get any new bi metals, plastics and certainly no titaniums which are very unaffordable for me.
Shop: Yoyo Village. Although I think YYE is great and actually ordered from them for the very first time recently I have to support a local store even if it rarely get in anything new that isn’t Yoyofactory related.
String company: Zipline (incredible customer service) and MArkmonth Formulas (for making the best string)
Forum member: @Smileypants707 I find much of what he posts very interesting to read and he has provided much yoyo inspiration for me all year. People like him keep this place interesting and worth revisiting. Oh and @Lukoyo for similar reasons, I have also done a nice trade with him and it is always good to know their are fellow British members out there
Cadence ES
SF?? Only company that I bought a 2019 yoyo from lol
@MarkD is cool
Didn’t buy anything from them yet but Sochi looks cool
This was tough, but @EOS44 is my answer
All the competitors are great
Yoyos :
- mono-metal: OD Rev 1
- bi-metal: Retic Death Adder (for being different than anything I’ve used before and changing how I look at yo-yos in general)
- plastic: Antidote (thanks @twitch77!)
- titanium: I have yet to throw a titanium
Industry :
- yoyo store: YoYoSa… j/k, YYE, there’s no contest here
- yoyo company: OD, Retic
- person: @Markmont
- string: Markmont.Formulas
People :
- Favourite Forum Members: @twitch77 for being the nicest, friendliest, most helpful, most generous person ever, and for being a good friend when I needed one, @MoonageMin for his enthusiasm and creating the trick a week thing with twitch, @PCaliyoyos for being a genuine good young dude with a great attitude, @JWaugh for liking so many of mine and others comments and helping me finally make progress on 2.0 hook
- Super Rookie of 2019: @PCaliyoyos, went from total noob to helping me beefhook
- Favourite person to watch for videos: @EOS44, @Markmont
Beefhook for life boi
Yoyos :
- Favourite mono-metal of 2019: Diffractiton v2
Gotta toot my own horn, right
- Favourite bi-metal of 2019: Unspoken Artemis
- Favourite plastic of 2019: PLSTC (I’d wager it would be the Antidote if I had gotten my hands on one)
- Favourite 0A/responsive of 2019: Spinworthy Boon (Tea Tree)
- Favourite Titanium of 2019: Titanium Float
Industry :
- Favourite yoyo store of 2019: Yoyoexpert - Shoutout to Garrett and Andre, who believed in me.
- Favourite yoyo company of 2019: SF - This lets me double up on favorite industry person. SF has been incredibly kind (AND FUNNY) and supports me in secret ways as a yo-yo company and designer. Their team and aura and yo-yos give me something powerful to strive towards, and eventually overcome and defeat utterly.
- Favourite industry person of 2019: Jordan Blofeld - The man who got me started as a yo-yo designer. Collabo incoming 2020.
- Favourite string company of 2019: Airetic Strings - Rob does very generous string trades with new string-makers, and now he’s my vendor for strings that I pack with every MK1 yoyo.
People :
- Favourite Forum Member and why: @EOS44 - The so-called king of reddit earns his title every time he posts more stylish tricks and helpful advice.
- Favourite yoyo competitor: Hajime Miura for sure
- Most inspirational yoyo related person in general: Colin Beckford - Constantly working to improve yoyo contetsts and yoyo judging.
- Super Rookie of 2019: I don’t really know who started just this year. I think Elliot Ding did? Anyhow, I sponsored him and he’s great.
- Favourite person to watch for videos: @KesmEyeball - For his off-road yoyo vids.
Thank you so much guys
One person can’t live from praises from others, but I do appreciate how friendly y’all are a huge amount. It makes me feel that I’m indeed part of this community.
Edit: I think I’m not gonna give my picks for this years’ awards. There’s so much stuff that would be left in blank that it wouldn’t even make sense to do it.
We see you as a visitor from the Reddit community.
But I’m glad you feel like you belong here @EOS44
Yeah, I feel you on this…especially the ‘favorite forum member’ bit. There’s so many people I like here…and I feel bad for anyone I didn’t mention and it’s hard not to leave some feeling let down with something like this
Thanks so much man, it means a lot!
This is my list of favorite throws in no particular order. I would have a hard time slimming this list down much.
7068 bowl
Draupnir overdrive
Favorite creator: Elvin Lim
I need to put some thought into some of the other categories.
It’s okay, I know I’m your favorite, but you didn’t want to make anyone jealous
/bro love
Monometal: puff adder and edgeless
Bi-metal: death adder. Sososoososo good.
Plastic: dove or serenade
Responsive: 720s/new butterflyxt
Titanium: vayder lol
Yoyocompany: retic and circle city
Industry person: andre
String company: airetic and kitty for looping
Favorite form member: @twitch77 @Sinister_Yoyos @Durfee
Favorite competitor: hirotaka akiba, caleb fisher, hajime miura
Inspirational yoyo player:caleb fischer, jake bullock, @JWaugh, hirotaka akiba
Super rookie: kimmy or jax
Favorite person: see most inspirational
@JWaugh is amazing i’m lucky he’ll be at my house in a few days for the holidays and i’m so pumped
I’m truly honored.
- favorite monometal: TiShee
(Honorable mention: OD Rev V1) - favorite bimetal: Duncan Orbital GTX
- favorite Ti: TiShee
- favorite yoyo store of 2019: YYE! Can’t beat the selection and service.
- favorite yoyo company of 2019: Duncan. Consistently awesome bimetals with no vibe and super cheap prices. Just can’t beat that.
- favorite industry person of 2019: @MrYoyoThrower. Love his tutorials on YT, and his book gives a really good window into the yoyo industry and small business ownership
- favorite string company: Zipline Strings
- favorite forum member and why: @MoonageMin @twitch77. Not only has their Trick-A-Week thread help me reinvigorate my desire to learn new tricks, they’re also two very genuine, positive, and supportive people and just joys to interact with.
- most inspirational yoyo related person in general: Again @MoonageMin & @twitch77. It’s refreshing to see people of my skill level struggling with and making progress on tricks. So many people who post trick circles here or elsewhere are already miles ahead of me in terms of skill, and that can sometimes be discouraging. But seeing people of comparable skill levels grapple with tricks makes it feel more fun to learn tricks.
- favorite person to watch for videos: @MrYoyoThrower @EOS44 @AndreBoulay (I still go back to those old tutorial videos). Also shout out to T over at TokYo-Yo even though I don’t think he’s on the forums. His channel at this point seems to be mostly about doing what makes him happy in this hobby, which has really improved the quality of his videos as of late, and his simple, laid back video style just resonated with me.
wow @nonja121,
Thank you so much for your amazing feedback!
We really enjoy our interactions with you too.