I nominate @smileypants707 for all around most polite and encouraging, @codinghorror for most generous, knowledgeable, and sorta sarcastic sometimes but in a nice way, @Evan_the_yoyo_boy for I dunno, dude is cool and I like PMing with him, @zslane for all his yoyo tech talk…
I am thankful for all members that stay on the positive, enthusiastic tip when sharing advice, suggestions, or random yoyo or non-yoyo posts and replies. These are the members that make it worth stopping by here several times a day.
And of course @AndreBoulay for starting Yoyo Expert and this forum which was created by @codinghorror.
I’m gonna start with @codinghorror. This dude knows everything about yoyos and discourse. If you have a question about anything, this is the man to ask. @smileypants707 is a very nice, kind, and polite man. He is Jeff’s “favorite yoyoer”. @anon19434144 has a good heart and is very fun to talk to. He doesn’t like it if you use “your” and “you’re” wrong. @SuperWideAngle, @Marm, @knowledgeablepixels, @EthanV and @Yoyo_Man are all nice and funny people to talk to. @vegabomb is the best moderator(sorry if I spelled that wrong). For the people that I didn’t mention, I’m sorry. I can only mention 10 users in one post.